London, June 22 2023 – Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the world’s leading professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people, today announced that it will work with…
Crypto remains under scrutiny while underlying technologies take off By Patricia Haas Cleveland As the fallout from the collapse of FTX continues, different reactions to crypto have emerged. These range…
‘Something must be done!’ The crypto regulatory challenge for 2023 By Philip Middleton From a whole spectrum of perspectives, 2023 looks set to be a defining year for cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets…
IMF agenda should focus on more than just global macro travails By Mark Sobel Global finance ministers and central bank governors will spend much time handwringing about the depressing global…
Truss and Meloni bond market squalls, ‘We’ve navigated challenges before’: UK DMO chief confident despite chaotic gilt market, and more
Truss and Meloni bond market squalls By David Marsh Liz Truss and Giorgia Meloni, two new prime ministers (one in waiting) confronting bond market squalls, should heed words of guidance…
Economic priorities for Germany and the euro area Tuesday 6 September, Roundtable Steffen Meyer, head of the department for economic, financial and climate policy at the German Chancellery, discusses priority…
24 March 2022 – Susannah Streeter, senior investment and markets analyst, Hargreaves Lansdown ‘’There is little sign the pedal is coming off the accelerator for energy prices, amid a fresh…
GLOBAL & REGIONAL DAILY HIGHLIGHTS March 24 2022 Global Markets On geopolitical developments, interest today turns to the back-to-back three summits of NATO, G7 and the EU in Brussels, with attention focusing on energy…
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine compels central banks and G7 to take action Thursday 10 March 2022 – Vol.13 Ed.10.4 Commentary: Ukraine conflict cripples G20 but unifies G7 By Mark Sobel…
The BDI@2,944: plain sailing but watch the grounded Wets. G7 leaders re-write Geopolitics in Cornwall, but mind Covid-19…
The BDI@2,944: plain sailing but watch the grounded Wets. G7 leaders re-write Geopolitics in Cornwall, but mind Covid-19… The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) surpassed the 2,900 point threshold and soon…
Landmark Marine film unveiled as the global spotlight shines on Cornwall A landmark film showcasing the ambition and vision of Cornwall’s £1billion per annum Marine sector in general and the…
Shipping industry agrees action on R&D investment and trade digitisation As world leaders meet in Cornwall, England, for the G7, the first ever meeting of the equivalent maritime bodies, titled…
New life in G7 ahead of summit and developing green bankable projects Friday 11 June 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.23.5 Commentary: G7 finds new purpose as G20 takes back seat By…
FEPORT calls on OEDC countries to include cargo handling in the scope of BEPS Pillar 2
FEPORT calls on OEDC countries to include cargo handling in the scope of BEPS Pillar 2 Brussels, June 10th, 2021 During their General Assembly meeting held remotely today June 10th,…
Mixed feelings with the Dries, down at 2,420; messy Wets, whilst everybody focuses on G7 meeting in Cornwall. Covid-19 more than enigmatic…
Mixed feelings with the Dries, down at 2,420; messy Wets, whilst everybody focuses on G7 meeting in Cornwall. Covid-19 more than enigmatic… The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost eight points…
Controlled Dry losses; Wets tumble amid Geopolitical mess and Covid-19 making waves…
Controlled Dry losses; Wets tumble amid Geopolitical mess and Covid-19 making waves… The BDI was down at 2,428 points – minus ten since last Friday June 4 as Capes’ fall…
Gains for both Dry and Wet Markets amid global uncertainty The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) with the 2,213 points gained this morning (45 plus since last Friday the 23/8) is…
Pier Carlo Padoan on Italy’s latest setback, Macri defeat prompts crisis fears, and G7 descends on Biarritz
Pier Carlo Padoan on Italy’s latest setback, Macri defeat prompts crisis fears, and G7 descends on Biarritz THE WEEKEND REVIEW Latest opinion and analysis from OMFIF around the world 19-23 August 2019, Vol.10 Ed.34…
European shipowners, represented by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations ECSA, express their deepest concerns about recent developments on global bilateral trade relations. The result of the G7 meeting last weekend…
The BDI’s fall continues, thanks to the Capers. The Global situation turns sour. John Faraclas daily report: The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost 14 points and now stands at 1,324.…