The IMarEST will gather leading marine professionals at its joint conference on naval engineering and ship control systems on 8-10 November in Delft, Netherlands. Download the full programme here The International…
International Ship Control Systems Symposium (iSCSS)
Get your earlybird tickets now! International Naval Engineering Conference 2022 & International Ship Control Systems Symposium 2022 8-10 November 2022 | TU Delft, Netherlands John, the earlybird discount ends 30 September. How can…
Adapting and innovating to build resilience for naval operations – INEC and iSCSS 8-10 Nov 2022
How navies can adapt and innovate to build resilience will be under scrutiny at this year’s International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition (INEC) which runs between 8-10 November 2022. Organised by the…
Naval Engineers from around the globe gather in Glasgow tomorrow for INEC 2018 and iSCSS
Duo of topical themes Inspiring Naval Engineering and Revolutionary Technology Inspiring Ship Control 325+ delegates from 18 countries – Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Portugal, Singapore, Spain,…
18 countries represented by speakers and delegates STEM Day being held for students from four schools at INEC/iSCSS Young presentation authors also being lauded In less than two weeks speakers and delegates from 18 countries will…