The BDI@1,861: paint it red; Geopolitics under Ariadne’s thread The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell 36…
The BDI close to 2,000 points amid Armageddon The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained 56 points earlier on today and now stands at 1,929 – a fraction away from the…
The BDI “surge”; reality, correction or what… The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) went over and above the 1,800 points threshold with Panamaxes being the main cause of this rise! John…
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was up just six point today at 1,411 proving once again our views AND not our fears – to make things clear, on how uncertain…
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) and in general the markets do not surprise us at all with their performance and behaviour so far needless to say their volatility; the Geopolitics…
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) closed down earlier on today at 1,356 points – 35 points down since yesterday and 146 since last Friday’s closing when the general index stood…
An oxymoron momentum for the Markets given the controlled rise for the Capers and Panamaxes and the fall of the Supras and Handies AND the Wets. End game in Geopolitics;…
Herebelow, viewers can find find this summer’s issue of EIRA, featuring articles Iraq, the Sectarian fightings and what comes out of it…., The Saddam revenge… The Kurds latest… and many…