Panama City, Panama, June 19, 2013 – The Panama Canal has increased its tugboat fleet with the arrival of the first two of 14 tugboats that will improve the waterway’s…
Salvage Towage Wreck Removals
LEADING towage and salvage specialist Multraship has continued its fleet renewal programme with confirmation that it has bought two new Damen ASD 2810-type tugs with state-of-the-art FiFi 1 firefighting capabilities.…
Your daily news service from ports around the world. In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about: * United States, all ports – USCG accepts ballast water treatment systems as Alternate…
On Thursday 11th April, the Tsavliris Group took part in the physically challenging Baltic Exchange Go-Kart Race at The Raceway in London. There were 19 teams made up of minimum…