The 44th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention (Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Council of Europe), held from December 2 to December…
Sea Turtles
Greece lacks Management Plans for its Protected Areas. Illegal coastal development threatens sea turtle habitats in Greece, Türkiye and Cyprus. In all three countries, Case Files on the most important…
Officials and experts meet to discuss research results on sea turtle nesting in Albania
Officials and experts meet to discuss research results on sea turtle nesting in Albania An online meeting was held on 1 October 2020 within the framework of the research project…
MEDASSET MEDSEALITTER Project 83 organisations advocate for biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean The three-year environmental Interreg project – MEDSEALITTER (2017-2019), which aimed at developing and adopting common protocols for monitoring…
Looking for sea turtles in the North Aegean Sea Greece hosts some of the most important nesting sites to sea turtles[1] across the Mediterranean Sea, while also holds wintering and…
Albanian sandy coastline entirely explored for sea turtles! The second year’s fieldwork of “Exploration of potential nesting sites and design of conservation measures for sporadic nesting in Albania “(2018-2019) has…