Meet BIMCO’s Chief Shipping Analyst in Rotterdam, the Netherlands BIMCO’s Chief Shipping Analyst will be participating at the TOC Europe in Rotterdam on 18 June 2019. Peter Sand will discuss…
ICHCA and IAPH sign Memorandum of Understanding in further boost for World Port Sustainability Program
Rotterdam, 13th June 2018 – At the Terminal Operators Conference (TOC 2018) today in Rotterdam, ICHCA International, the global NGO and membership association for cargo handling operations, technical, HSSE and risk professionals has signed a Memorandum…
Mario Cordero, Chairman of the US Federal Maritime Commission, to explore evolving regional maritime dynamics in his keynote speech at 16th pan-Americas container supply chain event in Mexico, October 11-13…
The flight to connectivity – 40th TOC Europe explores container supply chain technology and transformation Speakers at TOC Europe 2016 to focus on how cutting edge technologies, processes and collaborative business…
TOC Asia, part of Singapore Maritime Week, to debate impact of mega-vessels on terminal performance and productivity London, 04.2.2015 – Matching port terminal productivity with carrier expectations will be a principal…
Port and landside congestion the big issues facing West Africa container trades TOC Market Briefing delegates hear that West African ports will see a wave of larger container ships sailing…
Leading ocean carriers Maersk Line and CSAV join TOC Americas panel debate on Latin American port productivity
Enhancing container terminal productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will be a key issue at the 14th TOC Americas Conference and Exhibition taking place 14 – 16 October in Cartagena,…
The global outlook for the RoRo market will be the focus of a conference session presented by Mike Garratt, Managing Director of MDS Transmodal, at RORO 2014. RORO is…
RORO 2014, the only exhibition dedicated to the roll-on/roll-off industry, will bring together senior level logistics professionals from across the globe between 24-26 June at ExCel in London. The show returns with a new look…
DAY TWO TOC CSC EUROPE Whose supply chain is it anyway? Shippers and logistics professionals question who is really in charge of the supply chain at TOC Container Supply Chain…