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Home News Lloyd’s Register holds inaugural Offshore Technical Committee in Singapore

Lloyd’s Register holds inaugural Offshore Technical Committee in Singapore

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Lloyd’s Register brings together representatives from national and international oil companies at its premier Global Technology Centre in Singapore to discuss offshore Rules and Regulations.

Lloyd’s Register’s Global Technology Centre in Singapore held its inaugural Offshore Technical Committee last week with representatives from national and international oil companies, EPC contractors, owners, operators, fabricators, shipbuilders, equipment vendors and representatives from a number of academic and research organisations.

The members took part in a series of networking opportunities and technical workshops but also crucially approved two Lloyd’s Register Rule-sets; The Floating Offshore Installations at a Fixed Location 2013 Rules and the Mobile Offshore Unit 2013 Rules. Both will be made public this month – May 2013.

Chris Walters, Senior Vice President for Lloyd’s Register’s Compliance Services said: “The Committee ensures that our Rules reflect industry best practice and I’m delighted that so many key figures have given their time to make that happen. Rules are continuously amended to improve usability, reflect industry best practice, new novel designs and legislative changes.” Walters continued: “We decided early on that we did not want the Committee to be tied to a single city or even country but reflect the fact that this is a global business and Lloyd’s Register is a global company.”

Modern class societies have to offer technical solutions that recognise an industry’s legacy, while driving the research and development that will help to ensure that same industry builds the safe infrastructure it needs to meet future energy challenges. The latest developments in the Lloyd’s Register Rules set appropriate standards for design, construction and lifetime maintenance in the oil and gas, and maritime sectors, providing all the information needed for classification purposes.

Seventeen different nationalities attended the event in Singapore. At the heart of the Committee is a shared vision to create and share best-practice and knowledge, and to discuss implications of upcoming legislation on the industry as well as technology developments and improvements in Rules. The next meeting is planned in Rio de Janeiro in 2014


Lloyd’s Register provides independent assurance to companies operating high-risk, capital-intensive assets in the energy and transportation sectors. We enhance the safety of life, property and the environment by helping our clients to ensure the quality construction and operation of critical infrastructure.

Lloyd’s Register carries out all Rule development in-house which ensures that technical expertise can be called upon if there are queries on the Rules. Lloyd’s Register has grown its portfolio of consultancy services through acquisition over the last seven years. These consultancies, including ModuSpec, WEST Engineering, Scandpower, Martec and ODS have now been fully integrated into Lloyd’s Register and participated in developing the new rule updates.

Lloyd’s Register has established a world-class Group Technology Centre (GTC) in Singapore to deliver innovation and solutions to the energy and maritime sectors. It has also an agreement with the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) to collaborate on R&D projects as a key part of the centre’s activities.

Floating offshore assets are covered by two Rule-sets: •FOIFL (Floating Offshore Installations at a Fixed Location) Rules: FPSO and FLNG assets which stay on station •MOU (Mobile Offshore Units) Rules: those units that carry out international voyages in compliance with IACS regulations such as drill ships, self-elevating rigs, accommodation barges and Wind Turbine Installation Vessels.

The Rules never stand still and are continuously amended to improve usability, reflect industry best practice, new novel designs and legislative changes. This year: •The MOU Rules were completely overhauled and new drilling notations added, including DRILL, DROPS and ISIS •The FOIFL Rules were improved with key changes relating to new requirements and guidance for FLNG assets; a new Part 11 added for “Product, Storage and Offloading of Liquefied Gases in Bulk” and “Guidelines for the calculation of probabilistic explosion loads”.

The Technical Committee underpins the legality of our Rules demonstrating to the world, and to a court that they reflect: •Best practice of the industry •Reflect extensive Research & Development •Reflect feedback from service experiences.

The Floating Offshore Installations at a Fixed Location 2013 Rules and the Mobile Offshore Unit 2013 Rules will be issued at the end of May.

www.lr.org ‘Lloyd’s Register’ is a trading name of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited and its subsidiaries. For further details, see www.lr.org/entities.

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