Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Worldwide – SOLAS, MARPOL amendments entered into force
* Singapore, Singapore – Mooring/unmooring at mooring buoys at Tuas View
* Australia, Newcastle – Notified Arrival Time
* Australia, Port Walcott – Ex Tropical Cyclone Christine update (2 Jan)
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 02/01/2014
DATE: January 02, 2014
COUNTRY: Worldwide
SOLAS, MARPOL amendments entered into force
A number of amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS), the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and the 1988 Load Lines Protocol entered
into force or took effect from 1 January 2014.
The amendments cover passenger ship safety (in relation to safe return to
port after a flooding casualty); the testing of free-fall lifeboats;
minimum safe manning levels; prohibition of blending onboard; the revised
MARPOL Annex III; the United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area;
and the Winter Seasonal Zone off the southern tip of Africa.
The SOLAS amendments which entered into force on 1 January 2014 include the
– amendment to SOLAS regulation II-1/8-1, to introduce a mandatory
requirement for new passenger ships for either onboard stability computers
or shore-based support, for the purpose of providing operational
information to the Master for safe return to port after a flooding
– amendment to SOLAS regulation III/20.11.2 regarding the testing of
free-fall lifeboats, to require that the operational testing of free-fall
lifeboat release systems shall be performed either by free-fall launch with
only the operating crew on board or by a simulated launching;
– amendment to SOLAS chapter V to add a new regulation V/14 on ships’
manning, to require Administrations, for every ship, to establish
appropriate minimum safe manning levels following a transparent procedure,
taking into account the guidance adopted by IMO (Assembly resolution
A.1047(27) on Principles of minimum safe manning); and issue an appropriate
minimum safe manning document or equivalent as evidence of the minimum safe
manning considered necessary;
– amendment to SOLAS chapter VI to add a new regulation VI/5-2, to prohibit
the blending of bulk liquid cargoes during the sea voyage and to prohibit
production processes on board ships;
– amendment to SOLAS chapter VII to replace regulation 4 on documents,
covering transport information relating to the carriage of dangerous goods
in packaged form and the container/vehicle packing certificate;
– amendment to SOLAS regulation XI-1/2 on enhanced surveys, to make
mandatory the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections
during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code,
resolution A.1049(27)).
The amendments which entered into force on 1 January 2014 include a revised
MARPOL Annex III Regulations for the prevention of pollution by harmful
substances carried by sea in packaged form, to include changes to the Annex
to coincide with the next update of the mandatory International Maritime
Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, specifying that goods should be shipped in
accordance with relevant provisions.
The United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area (SOx, NOx and PM)
came into effect, under MARPOL Annex VI, on 1 January 2014, bringing in
stricter controls on emissions of sulphur oxide (SOx), nitrogen oxide (NOx)
and particulate matter for ships trading in certain waters adjacent to the
coasts of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands.
The ECA was designated under MARPOL amendments adopted in July 2011. There
are now four three designated ECAs in effect globally: the United States
Caribbean Sea ECA and the North American ECA; and the sulphur oxide ECAs in
the Baltic Sea area and the North Sea area.
Amendments to regulation 47 of the 1988 Protocol to the International
Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966 to shift the Winter Seasonal Zone off
the southern tip of Africa further southward by 50 miles, came into effect
on 1 January 2014.
(For information about operations worldwide contact the respective GAC
office. Details may be found in the GAC Worldwide section of
DATE: January 02, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Mooring/unmooring at mooring buoys at Tuas View
From 2 December 2013 to 4 June 2014, bulk carriers, self propelled barges
and pusher tugs with barges in composite unit carrying bulk sand will be
transiting from the Pilot Western Boarding Ground to the Containment Bund
Project Area via Temasek Fairway. Masters of vessels and harbour craft
shall keep a proper lookout for these vessels, proceed at a safe speed and
navigate with extra caution when in the vicinity of Temasek Fairway and the
Containment Bund project area where the mooring buoys are located.
Only one bulk carrier will be moored at one of mooring buoys [at Tuas View]
at any one time. The mooring and unmooring of vessels will be carried out
in the daylight hours (0630 to 1900 hours) during the period of
construction work.
The following Mooring Buoys APF2-1(POC F2MB-01A/POC F2MB-01B), APF2-2(POC
02A/POC F2MB-02B), APF2-6(POC F2MB-06A/POC F2MB-06B) have been laid on the
26 Dec 13. The mooring buoys will be removed upon completion of the
offshore containment bund.
POC F2MB-01A 01° 15.273’N / 103° 37.388’E Fl. Y. 1s (sync)
POC F2MB-01B 01° 15.273’N / 103° 37.560’E Fl. Y. 1s (sync)
POC F2MB-02A 01° 15.273’N / 103° 37.664’E Fl. Y. 2s (sync)
POC F2MB-02B 01° 15.273’N / 103° 37.836’E Fl. Y. 2s (sync)
POC F2MB-03A 01° 15.273’N / 103° 37.940’E Fl. Y. 3s (sync)
POC F2MB-03B 01° 15.273’N / 103° 38.112’E Fl. Y. 3s (sync)
POC F2MB-04A 01° 15.273’N / 103° 38.216’E Fl. Y. 4s (sync)
POC F2MB-04B 01° 15.273’N / 103° 38.388’E Fl. Y. 4s (sync)
POC F2MB-05A 01° 15.273’N / 103° 38.492’E Fl. Y. 5s (sync)
POC F2MB-05B 01° 15.273’N / 103° 38.664’E Fl. Y. 5s (sync)
POC F2MB-06A 01° 15.208’N / 103° 38.677’E Fl. Y. 6s (sync)
POC F2MB-06B 01° 15.002’N / 103° 38.677’E Fl. Y. 6s (sync)
(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.02
of 2014 dated 02 Jan 2014
DATE: January 02, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Newcastle
Notified Arrival Time
Newcastle Port Corporation has implemented a variation to the issuing of
NAT (Notified Arrival Time) for some vessels.
If, when the NAT would normally have been issued at 7 days from Newcastle,
the Master’s ETA is within 48 hours of the estimated time of loading as
advised by the relevant terminal; the vessel will not be issued an NAT at
this time.
The vessel will be required to make its best speed to 10NM from Newcastle
where the NAT will be assigned at this time.
This variation is in line with Rule 4.6 which states:
4.6 If in relation to a vessel that has complied with Rule 3, NPC fails to:
(a) Notify a vessel of its 7 day Notified Arrival Time and its ETL in
accordance with Rule 4.1; or
(b) Establish a vessel’s Priority in the queue in accordance with rule
4.3.(unless one of the Rules in Part 7 applies).
Then the affected vessel may arrive at 10NM off the port and notify NPC of
its arrival as soon as possible. Having so notified NPC as its arrival time
such a vessel will be allocated a position in the queue based in the actual
time of its arrival at 10NM off the Port and Rule 7 will not be applied to
that vessel for arriving at this point.
This variation has been implemented due to the low queue environment that
presently exists and due to observations that some vessels who would be
loading on arrival have slowed and have not been available to load as
initially scheduled.
For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at
DATE: January 02, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Port Walcott
Ex Tropical Cyclone Christine update (2 Jan)
Port Walcott remains closed after the passing of ex-Tropical Cyclone
Christine pending surveyors’ inspections of wharfs. Indications are that it
will be at least 2-3 days before loading re-commences.
The port had been closed at 1800 on 29 December and its anchorages reopened
at 1800 on 31 December.
At Dampier, the port was closed at 1800 on 29 December. The outer
anchorages reopedn on 1800 on 31 December and the inner anchorages at 0600
on 1 January.
For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at
DATE: January 02, 2014
Bunker Update:
GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
180 CST 380 CST MGO MDO Aberdeen 0 0 995.00 0 Aden 725.00 0 1, 110.00 0 Alexandria 750.00 0 1, 175.00 0 Amsterdam 618.00 590.00 926.00 0 Antwerp 612.00 584.00 920.00 0 Aqaba 0 705.00 1, 055.00 0 Bahrain 0 0 1, 068.00 0 Barrow 0 0 1, 010.00 0 Bergen 686.00 656.00 985.00 0 Busan 689.00 660.00 975.00 965.00 Cape Town 649.00 0 994.00 0 Colombo 665.00 660.00 1, 035.00 0 Dubai 645.00 6, 320.00 912.00 0 Durban 621.00 0 1, 050.00 0 Falmouth 672.00 625.00 989.00 0 Fawley 0 0 984.00 0 Felixstowe 0 0 1, 058.00 0 Fujairah 628.00 618.00 995.00 0 Gibraltar 675.00 640.00 988.00 0 Grangemouth 0 0 1, 018.00 0 Harwich 0 0 1, 045.00 0 Hong Kong 651.00 645.00 959.00 0 Houston 680.00 610.00 999.00 0 Immingham 0 0 985.00 0 Invergordon 0 0 1, 010.00 0 Istanbul 674.00 630.00 1, 005.00 0 Jeddah 680.00 660.00 1, 065.00 0 Kaohsiung 681.00 669.00 1, 050.00 1, 035.00 Kuwait 628.00 616.00 994.00 0 Leith 0 0 1, 026.00 0 Lerwick 0 0 625.00 0 Malta 720.00 685.00 966.00 0 Mersey 0 0 1, 001.00 0 Milford Haven 0 0 1, 027.00 0 Mumbai 646.00 636.00 1, 180.00 0 New York & New Jersey 665.00 610.00 983.00 0 Panama 689.00 621.00 1, 037.00 0 Piraeus 691.00 664.00 979.00 0 Plymouth 0 0 1, 035.00 0 Port Louis 725.00 0 1, 078.00 0 Port Said 750.00 665.00 1, 070.00 0 Qatar 0 0 960.00 0 Richards Bay 631.00 0 1, 060.00 0 Rio de Janeiro 632.00 608.00 1, 016.00 0 Rotterdam 612.00 585.00 926.00 0 Salalah 722.00 672.00 1, 130.00 0 Shanghai 678.00 663.00 1, 072.00 0 Sharjah 645.00 632.00 912.00 0 Singapore 625.00 617.00 935.00 0 St Petersburg 490.00 460.00 825.00 0 Stavanger 0 0 992.00 0 Suez 685.00 660.00 1, 065.00 0 Walvis Bay 670.00 0 1, 049.00 0 West Africa OFFSHORE 0 670.00 1, 049.00 0
Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.
The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be approached directly for firm prices.
Middle East & Africa:
Egypt & Mediterranean:
Asia Pacific:
Indian Subcontinent:
Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.
GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.