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Home Energy Well proportioned news, analysis and views at the EIRA Newsletter – March 2014

Well proportioned news, analysis and views at the EIRA Newsletter – March 2014

by admin
Donna Hatzioannou

Donna Hatzioannou

Few MENA countries have so far eluded the threat of partition caused by religious, historical, ethnical and economic rivalries. Their borders, a result of competition between 19th and 20th century colonial powers for the exploitation of rich oil reserves, can no longer sweep under the carpet deep-rooted problems. 

Who opened Pandora’s box and allowed various groups, small and large, to attack their neighbours,   fostering a general state of chaos and why? Is this a result of the road to energy self-sufficiency of certain major powers or is it that democracy and equality can only be established with time and sacrifices?

Previously, colonialists ensured low-cost energy resources through military interventions and colonialist arrangements. The difference between then and now is that a military invasion is no longer considered the best option, as seen in Syria, where competing local and regional players are creating the same effect themselves.  Is it too risky and premature to speculate that recent hydrocarbon discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and neighbouring West, will bring upon more countries, similar tragedies in the future?

Herewith the EIRA Newsletter for MARCH 2014 with many, as usual,  interesting and provocative articles and views: EIRA Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 3
The editors of EIRA, as well us in AllAboutShipping look forward to your questions and comments.

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