Hospitality Invest AS is a holding company with a diversified portfolio within 3 business areas; Care and Preschools, Real Estate and Hotel Operations. The companies where Hospitality Invest AS has significant ownership employ some 6, 000 individuals in six countries and have total revenues of about NOK 3 bn.
The bond loan that is admitted to listing today – Hospitality Invest AS 14/19 FRN C – is an issue of NOK 600 million with a floating interest rate of 3 month NIBOR + 6 %, with maturity in February 2019. ABG Sundal Collier is the manager for the issue.
The Norwegian bond market is growing strongly, and an increasing number of companies are raising loan capital on the Oslo Børs fixed income marketplaces. Companies with bonds and certificates listed on Oslo Børs and Nordic ABM marketplaces have raised more new loan capital this year than ever before.