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Home Associations News from The Nautical Institute 27 Nov 2014

News from The Nautical Institute 27 Nov 2014

by admin

The NI LOGO 27112014

Anchorages: assessing the risks
MARS Report
A temporary anchorage may appear suitable when the stay will be short and the weather forecast is good. But what if the wait for the intended berth is extended and the weather deteriorates? How can anchorages that pose unique risks be identified?
Read the MARS report on a vessel that dragged its anchor and ran aground at an ad-hoc anchorage in a river estuary to which it was directed until the intended berth became free.
Please share the report with your colleagues and friends and encourage them to access (and contribute to) the Institute’s free onlineMARS database.
Distinguish yourself through CPD Online
Steven Gosling MNI
According to totalprofessions.com a profession “is more than a job. It is a career for someone that wants to be part of society, who becomes competent in their chosen sector through training; maintains their skills through continuing professional development (CPD); and commits to behaving ethically, to protect the interests of the public”.
The Nautical Institute can offer you a rich and varied source of CPD to support your development as a maritime professional, whatever stage in your career you may have reached. Our CPD Online solution provides Nautical Institute members with a bespoke self development programme that includes web based planning and recording tools as well as independent validation.
Visit our website to find out more. Or emailSteven Gosling MNI, the Institute’s Training and Quality Manager (pictured left).
NI Radio: Andrew McDonald on competence
Andrew McDonald MNI
Member exclusive: should there be periodic revalidation of CoCs to ensure continuing navigational competence? Could training be improved? Andrew McDonald MNI answers ‘yes’ to both questions.
Speaking at The Nautical Institute’s London Command Seminar in October, the First Officer/Safety Officer with Holland America Line took a critical look at what it takes for serving officers to continue to develop their competence, and at college and onboard training for cadets.
Listen now to Andrew McDonald ‘s presentation (and view the accompanying slides) by logging in to the Members’ Area of the Institute’s website and clicking on the blue ‘Presentations’ tab on the left hand side of your screen. There is a full report of the seminar in the December issue of Seaways.
Preparation is key for safe ice navigation
Capt Duke Snider FNI
Good preparation lies at the heart of any successful Polar trip where, if things go wrong, the consequences can be dire. This was the advice of experienced ice navigator and Senior Vice-President of The Nautical Institute, Captain Duke Snider FNI, in a recent interview with the UK’s Guardian newspaper.
Speaking against the backdrop of a newly agreed Polar Code, Captain Snider pointed to the need for an understanding of the physics of ice and how different types of ice can affect a ship’s capabilities. Read the interview here.
Detailed information on the human, technical, environmental and operational challenges of ice navigation can be found in the Institute’s book Polar Ship Operations, priced at £21 (£30 for non-members) and authored by Captain Snider himself.
Welcome to our new Nautical Affiliates
Become an NI Nautical Affiliate
A warm welcome to our new Nautical Affiliates: L-3 Marine and Power Systems, Marine Society & Sea Cadets, Qvalitas Group and Port of London Authority.The £500 we receive every year from each of our Nautical Affiliates is used exclusively to fund our Mariners’ Alerting & Reporting Scheme (MARS), which in turn helps to save lives and prevent injuries.In return for their contribution our Nautical Affiliates receive a number of benefits:

  • public acknowledgement of their support for a key industry safety initiative
  • greatly reduced membership fees where three or more employees become members of the Institute
  • discounted delegate fees for selected conferences plus discounts of up to 40% on our specialist books and guides
  • monthly copy of our membership magazine Seaways, sent to a nominated member of staff
To find out more simply visit our website or download our Nautical Affiliate brochure.
The Navigator: thanks for your feedback
Stephen Achurch
Thanks to all of you who responded to our survey and gave us feedback on the reader experience, both paper and digital, of The Navigator. We have taken note of your comments and will continue to develop this free resource to serve the needs of marine navigators.
Keep the photos coming too. We would love to see you reading a copy and know where the magazine is being enjoyed. Your photo could win you an iPad mini (pictured is our most recent winner,  Stephen Achurch).
Remember our target of a copy of The Navigator on every SOLAS vessel? We’re now distributing thousands of copies but we still need more distributors. Your company or college could become a distributor – please alert the appropriate person by clicking on ‘Forward’ at the bottom of this email.
e-Navigation getting underway
e-Navigation underway
Want to know more about e-Navigation as the implementation phase gets nearer? There’s an ideal opportunity on 27-29 Januaryonboard Pearl Seaways which will host the
e-Navigation underway 2015 conferencewhile sailing from Copenhagen to Oslo and back.
Hear from the experts about testbeds, infrastructure, human factors, communication, evolution of existing systems and e-Navigation for the non-SOLAS segment. Put your questions to them and join the discussion.
Nautical Institute members receive a 10% discount on the conference price – book here.
Call for papers: 2015 AGM in San Francisco
2015 NI AGM - San Francisco
The Nautical Institute’s AGM will be held in San Francisco on 11-12 May 2015.
You are warmly invited to take part in what will be an excellent seminar and networking opportunity in this beautiful city on America’s west coast. Please book your accommodation early to avoid disappointment.
Following on this year’s Command Seminar theme of Navigational Competence, our 2015 seminar will focus on Maritime Education and Training.
Please email proposals for papers by 31st January 2015 to Captain George Livingstone MNI.
Events guide: up to £225 off for NI members
Listed below are upcoming events. If there’s a Nautical Institute event near you then why not go along and meet some like-minded souls.
CPD certificates are provided at many Nautical Institute events – please check with the event organiser.
6pm: HQS Wellington, Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment, WC2R 2PN
Mercure Aberdeen Ardoe House Hotel & Spa, South Deeside Road, Blairs Aberdeen AB125YP
6:30 pm: Lecture Theatre 1, South Shields Marine School
9am: Bonhill House, 1-3 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX (NI members receive 20% discount)
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
7:15pm: Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club, Madeira Road, The Hoe, Plymouth, PL1 2NY
5:30pm: Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen, AB11 7RX
ExCel Centre (NI members receive discount)
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen AB11 7RX
On board Pearl Seaways from Copenhagen – Oslo – Copenhagen (NI members receive 10% discount)
Holiday Inn, Westhill Drive, Aberdeen AB32 6TT
Nine Kings / Westbourne Suites, Lancaster London, Lancaster Terrace, London W2 2TY
23 February – NW England & N Wales Branch – AGM and Talk ‘Liverpool Cruise Terminal’
HMS Eaglet, Naval Regional Headquarters, East Brunswick Dock, Liverpool L3 4DZ
Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, Helsinki, Finland (NI members receive 20% discount)
Room 218, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen, AB11 7RX
Montreal Canada (NI members receive a £225 discount)
Aberdeen, UK
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore (NI members receive a 20% discount)
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen, AB11 7RX
Room 218, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen, AB11 7RX
Fleetwood Nautical Campus, FY7 8JZ
 Publications List and Services brochure
Visit the publications section of our website to download our interactive Publications List and Services brochure, listing the entire range of specialist book titles available from The Nautical Institute.
Product code: 0330
Standard Price: £30
NI Member Price: £21
Handling Ships in Ice
Handling Ships in Ice
Product code: 0301
Standard Price: £30
NI Member Price: £21

Polar Ship Operations & Handling Ships in Ice

Polar Ship Operations & Handling Ships in Ice
Product code: 0340
Standard Price: £50
NI Member Price: £35
– Senior Deck Officer & Safety Officer- Watch Officer
– Staff Surveyor
– Instructor (Offshore & DP)
Login here to view our NI Members’ Jobs Board
Not already a member of The Nautical Institute? Join todayand enjoy these valuable benefits…
– international recognition as a professional mariner plus the ability to display your NI membership on your CV and business card;
– Seaways, our monthly journal keeping you abreast of all the latest maritime developments – now also readable online;
– the chance to meet colleagues, employers and customers at NI seminars and also via discounted entry to industry conferences and events;
– a 30% discount on all Institute specialist publications and practical guides;
– support for your Continuing Professional Developmentand an online Jobs Board;
– £100, 000 of legal defence insurance cover to protect you against criminalisation;
– a representative voice at IMO and other international forums;
– personal copies of our human element Alert! Bulletin andThe Navigator.
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The Nautical Institute • 2‌02 Lambeth Road • London, England SE1 7LQ

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