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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Precondition for lock entry
April 24, 2015, Germany, Kiel Canal

The Kiel Canal authorities have announced that due to limited lock capacity it will be mandatory to check efficiency of vessels’ manoeuvrebility and astern operation before entering Kiel-Canal locks, either from Elbe River or Kiel-Fjord.

The result of the manoeuvres must be reported by VHF (Kiel Channel 1 or Kiel-Channel 4) to the lockmaster. If manoeuvres are found to be unsatisfactory, entry to the locks may be refused.

(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub Agency Centre at hub.gb@gac.com)

Source: Sartori & Berger, Germany – GAC agent

Removal of Barges
April 24, 2015, Angola, Soyo

Soyo Maritime Authority has advised that the barges and adjacent land bridge in the location bounded by the following co-ordinates have been removed:

Lat 6 deg. 06.91’S, Long 12 deg. 19.59’E;

Lat 6 deg. 06.92’S, Long 12 deg. 19.60’E;

Lat 6 deg. 07.02’S, Long 12 deg. 19.56’E;

Lat 6 deg. 07.03’S, Long 12 deg. 19.58’E.

For information about operations in Angola contact GAC Angola at angola@gac.com

Aden still virtually closed
April 24, 2015, Yemen, Aden

The Port of Aden remains effectively closed as it is currently not considered to be safe and there are no stevedores available.

Other Yemeni ports (Hodeidah, Saleef, Mokha and Ras Isa), however, are unaffected and operating as normal.

For information about operations in Yemen contact GAC Yemen at yemen@gac.com

New tariff coming into force
April 24, 2015, Indonesia, Banjarmasin

On 1 May, KSOP Class I Banjarmasin (Harbour Master) will start collecting charge on port services of PNBP (non-tax revenue) for: anchorage dues at Taboneo; anchorage, berth, wharfage and loading/unloading dues at TUKS; and Move Over at Taboneo water.

The quotation of Port service for using water anchorage will be applied after agreement between KSOP Class I Banjarmasin, BUP and TUKS provider.

PNBP Charges as per PP 11 year 2015:


Anchorage dues – Foreign vessels: USD 0.110 / GT / Visit Period

Berth dues – Foreign vessels: USD 0.100 / GT / ETMAL

TUKS (Terminal for self purpose):

Anchorage dues – Foreign vessels: USD 0.110 / GT / Visit Period

Berth dues – Foreign vessels: USD 0.50 / GT / ETMAL

From 1 May, port charges (harbour dues, berth dues at private jetty/terminal of self purpose, wharfage at private jetty, discharging and loading fee at private jetty and STS at Taboneo should be paid to KSOP Kelas I Banjarmasin (Harbour Master) prior to the vessel’s departure.

For information about operations in Indonesia contact PT Andhika GAC Indonesia at shipping.indonesia@gac.com

Dredging off Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom
April 24, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For approximately 10 months, marine works involving dredging operations will be carried out [off Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom]

in the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (E):

(A) 22 deg. 17.904’N / 114 deg. 10.955’E

(B) 22 deg. 17.877’N / 114 deg. 10.955’E

(C) 22 deg. 17.858’N / 114 deg. 10.919’E

(D) 22 deg. 17.890’N / 114 deg. 10.867’E

(E) 22 deg. 17.910’N / 114 deg. 10.864’E

The works will be carried out by one grab dredger and one hopper barge. One tug will provide assistance. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 50 metres around the dredger and barge will be established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the dredger and barge.

A silt curtain, extending from the sea surface to the seabed, will be established within the works area. The silt curtain is a large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments. Yellow markers fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the extent of the silt curtain.

The hours of work will be from 0700 hours to 2300 hours. Vessels employed for the works will stay in the works areas outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.60 of 2015

Strike notice given
April 24, 2015, Australia, Port Botany

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has given notice of protected industrial action by its members working on board pilot cutters operated by the Port Authority from Port Jackson and Port Botany as follows:

– A six hour stoppage, from 0001 to 0600 hours on Tuesday 28 April;

– A six hour stoppage, from 1200 to 1800 hours on Tuesday 28 April;

– A six hour stoppage, from 0600 to 1200 hours on Wednesday 29 April;

– A six hour stoppage, from 1800 to 2400 hours on Wednesday 29 April.

This follows the failure to reach bring to a close negotiations between the Port Authority of New South Wales with the MUA and the Australian Maritime Officers Union (AMOU) over a replacement Enterprise Agreement for its Sydney workforce since March 2014.

The action proposed will suspend the use of the pilot vessels to embark and disembark Pilots in Port Jackson and Port Botany. The MUA have given an assurance that they will not take industrial action in the event there is a legitimate maritime emergency, and they have also agreed to exempt the following critical safety and security functions from any industrial action:

1. Dangerous goods functions relating to necessary and appropriate measures in the handling and transport of dangerous cargoes in the ports;

2. Booming of tankers;

3. Cruise gangway functions, including the safe monitoring of gangways for cruise passengers;


4. Vessel escort functions.

Emergency response, Vessel Traffic Services and other Port Officer functions (other than pilot cutter movements) will be required to continue as normal during this period of industrial action.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Port-related engineering research project
April 24, 2015, Australia, Brisbane

The University of Queensland has joined forces with Brisbane, Australia’s largest multi-cargo port, for a $2 million research project to develop new port-related engineering solutions.

The three-year Port of Brisbane project will focus on channel deepening, land reclamation and other port activities. Under the venture, the University and the Port of Brisbane will each provide $1 million to improve Queensland’s port-related technology, and work together on research and development of the port’s land reclamation and shipping channel optimisation strategies.

A similar engagement already occurred in a successful channel-deepening trial in northern Moreton Bay, where researchers played a key role in enabling geotechnical and environmental issues surrounding the dredging to be overcome. The port’s subsequent ability to bring larger container vessels through the channel produced identifiable increase in capacity.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Australian Amalgamated Terminals (ATT) tariff review
April 24, 2015, Australia, all ports

Further to the Authorisation granted to AAT [Australian Amalgamted Terminals] by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on 3 December 2009 and in particular the pricing conditions of the Authorisation, the published tariffs at all of our terminals have been reviewed, with proposed maximum regulated tariff increases to be effective from 15 July 2015….

….At all terminals with the exception of Fisherman Islands in Brisbane, no increase in tariffs will occur from their present levels, due to a varying number of factors including cargo throughput forecasts, cost-control measures and lease terms. In Port Kembla in NSW, prices have been held constant since August 2010.

In Fisherman Islands tariffs have not been increased since February 2012. Strong volume growth in cargo throughput from 2011 to late 2013, largely offset the need to seek tariff increases despite the usual cost pressures. Cargo volumes have decreased significantly since late 2013, particularly cargoes related to the mining and construction industries, with this trend expected to continue in to the future. AAT operates in an environment of largely fixed costs notwithstanding cargo volume variations and this has led to the pricing model calculating a maximum average increase in regulated charges in of 38%.

AAT recognises the difficult trading environment current prevailing, and therefore is proposing a maximum tariff increase of 19%, half of the increase calculated by the pricing model. Despite this increase the FAC for motor vehicles will be $2.56 m3, still at a lower rate than AAT’s other major terminal, Port Kembla where it is $2.75m3.

Schedules containing the maximum amount of the proposed tariff increase at Fisherman Islands as well as tariffs for these terminals are available at www.aaterminals.com.au….

(For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Ausatralia at shipping.australia@gac.com)

Source: Extracts from Australian Amalgamated Terminals Tariff Notification dated 21 April 2015

Cancellation of temporary reduction of JIT transit slots
April 24, 2015, Panama, Panama Canal

Based on the present number of vessels awaiting transit and projected arrivals for the next few days, the temporary reduction of the Just-In-Time transit slots announced in Advisory to Shipping A-07-2015 is hereby cancelled.

Effective immediately, applications for full JIT transit slots for vessels with beams of 91 feet and over may be received for transits on or after April 27, 2015.

(For information about operations in Panama, contact GAC-Wilford & McKay at gac-wilfordmckay-panama@gac.com)

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.

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