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Home HRAnniversaries INTERMEPA is 9 years old

INTERMEPA is 9 years old

by admin

iNTERMEPA LOGOJune 6, marked the 9th anniversary of INTERMEPA, the International Marine Environment Protection Association, which was founded in Greece by the four national MEPA’s of Australia, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. Ever since, three more members in North America, Uruguay and Ukraine joined the association.

Even though the existing MEPA’s are located in great distances apart, let alone opposite Hemispheres, the prospect of the candid cooperation between them along the implementation of INTERMEPA’s mission comes into reality through the works of the association’s Steering Committee. The main target has always been to bring the children involved in all national MEPAs closer together under the same banner: “Let’s Save our Seas”. And this effort, among other initiatives, will continue with the hope that new MEPAs will come to life so that their volunteer members will set the example and make the difference in their countries.


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