John Faraclas
No change since last Friday the 3rd of June! John Faraclas brief weekly market and geopolitics recap:
The BDI was down just a point so as t be on par with last week’s closing! The Capers, as volatile as ever gained 11 points going above 1, 000 points – BCI 2014 at 1, 006!
The Panmaxes and its respective BPI remained the same at 543 but down seven points since last week’s 550 points!
The Supras minus at 557 and minus 17 since last week’s 574 points!
The Handies’ BHSI minus five at 327 minus 22 since last week’s 349!!!!
So all in all a downwards market, and unsustainable market!
The Wets – BDTI down five at 736 and four for the BCTI now standing at 475. On a weekly bass minus 29 from last week’s765 and minus 18 from 493….
Dangers too for the wets…
The WTI remained the same close to US$ 49, despite a visit above the US50 mark.
Geopolitics as ever going worse – see an update later on… BREXIT and now GREXIT too on the cards, unless. The Mighty Continent in tatters! Let’s see what Hillary Clinton can do!
Not to forget the MIGRANTS, the number one issue with rumours of prostitution n Greece (Athens) – we are double checking the evidence, but there is no smoke without fire…!
Posidonia was the best ever from all aspects!
Have a nice weekend and remember that Greece will ALWAYS Rule the Waves!