REVISED TOWAGE CHARGES FOR 2017 Mackay, Australia |
Revised towage charges for 2017 |
Monday, December 5, 2016, Mackay, Australia |
Smit Lamnalco has advised that towage charges at the port of Mackay will be revised for 2017, as follows: Up to 5,000 GRT 2016 tariff: $2,050 2017 tariff: $2,2695,001-10,000 GRT 2016 tariff: $3,240 2017 tariff: $3,58510,001-15,000 GRT 2016 tariff: $4,380 2017 tariff: $4,84715,001-20,000 GRT 2016 tariff: $5,270 2017 tariff: $5,83220,001-25,000 GRT 2016 tariff: $6,140 2017 tariff: $6,795 25,001-30,000 GRT 30,001-35,000 GRT 35,001-40,000 GRT 40,000 GRT and over Charges for special services 2016 tariff: $2,500 For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com |
Amended port navigation depths |
Monday, December 5, 2016, Mackay, Australia |
Mariners are advised that the design and actual navigation depths below port datum [at Mackay], Lowest Astronomical Tide, as of Monday, 5 December 2016, are as follows:Harbour Entrance Design Depth: 8.5 metres Actual Depth: 8.7 metresSwing Basin Design Depth: 8.5 metres Actual Depth: 8.7 metres*Berth No 1 Design Depth: 10.6 metres Actual Depth: 11.1 metresBerth No 3 Design Depth: 13.0 metres Actual Depth: 13.0 metres* Berth No 4 Berth No 5 [*New or revised entry.] (For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com) Source: Maritime Safety Queensland Notice to Mariners No.489(T) of 2016 dated 5 December 2016 |