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Home HRCharity MEDASSET launches new online game “TEAM TURTLE”

MEDASSET launches new online game “TEAM TURTLE”

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Anna Stamatiou

The international environmental NGO MEDASSET (Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles), working to protect sea turtles and their marine and coastal habitats in the Mediterranean, launches its new online game “TEAM TURTLE” at the 37th International Sea Turtle Symposium (15 – 20 April 2017, Las Vegas Nevada, USA).  The aim is to bring marine life and the challenges faced by endangered sea turtles closer to everyday experience and to creatively educate children through an activity they would choose for themselves – playing a game!

The design team’s approach was that by enabling the young players to take on the role of “rescuer” or “helper” to the little hatchlings they see struggling to survive, an emotional connection is made. That is one step in building a lifelong, caring relationship between an individual and the life of the sea.

We don’t have opportunities to experience the mysterious and ancient reality of a living sea turtle every day. What makes us first start to care about something? When we put time and effort into it; investing a part of our life” said Anna Stamatiou, MEDASSET General Secretary and member of the game’s development team.

In addition to being simply a fun game to play, “TEAM TURTLE” can be used by education professionals in the classroom as an enjoyable part of any lesson plan focusing either on sea turtles or more generally on marine life.

Key facts about “TEAM TURTLE”:

“TEAM TURTLE” is free and available via www.medasset.org/teamturtle 
• Conservation organisations are invited to include a link on their own websites.
• The only language currently offered is English
• The game is designed to be enjoyed primarily by children 5-8 years old.

All species illustrated in this edition of “TEAM TURTLE” can, in line with MEDASSET’s own mission, be found in the Mediterranean basin. Other geographically distinct Marine Scenes are an ambition for the future. Likewise, additional game zones are already at concept stage and are ready to be developed in cooperation with interested partner organisations.

To play the game, visit: www.medasset.org/teamturtle

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