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Home HRAnniversaries Ardent celebrates second year, Looks Ahead

Ardent celebrates second year, Looks Ahead

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BAY OF CAMPECHE, Mexico (Nov. 15, 2016)- Ardent concluded the industry’s largest wreck
removal project in the Gulf of Mexico in 2016

HOUSTON, Texas (May 1, 2017) – Salvage and wreck removal company, Ardent, celebrates its second birthday with the passing of May 1, 2017.

Ardent maintains a zero lost time incident record since its inception.
“Despite the initial focus on implementing the merger and challenging market conditions Ardent has successfully won and executed 125 contracts over the last 2 years” said Ardent CEO Peter Pietka.

“Salvage operations are inherently risk filled and completing 125 contracts without a single lost time incident is a testament to the professionalism of our teams,” said Pietka.

Ardent is experiencing significant commercial momentum with several notable contract wins. During the last month, Ardent teams have completed high profile Emergency Response contracts on four continents.

In late April, 2017, Ardent signed for the removal of the sunken Fluvius Tamar vessel from the English Channel, the largest wreck removal contract awarded so far in 2017.

Ardent has also reorganized its business into two largely “self-sustained” business pillars; the Emergency Management pillar (covering Emergency Preparedness and Response), and the Projects pillar (covering Wreck Removal, Offshore Decommissioning and Subsea Services).

Oliver Timofei is the Director of Emergency Management and Jon Minshall has been appointed as the Director of Projects.

SAN JUAN HARBOR, Puerto Rico (Aug 26, 2016)– Salvage and wreck removal company,
Ardent responds to the high-profile Caribbean Fantasy fire in 2016

“The new structure is intended to ensure that we for both business areas have ‘fit-for-purpose’ processes, resources and culture which will enable us to serve the respective customer segments even better than today,” explained Pietka.

The new structure also intends to secure that Ardent can retain its focus on its original core business while increasingly offering adjacent services – not least within an offshore context.

In May, 2015, Svitzer Salvage, a part of the Maersk Group, and Titan Salvage, a part of the  Crowley Holdings Inc., merged to form Ardent. The company continues be 50 percent owned by Svitzer (Maersk) and 50 percent owned by Crowley.

“Whereas we have done well in the market place it is also true that over the past two years, a tremendous amount of focus has gone into internal issues related to the merger implementation and the recent organizational restructuring. We look forward to the next stage,” said Pietka.

Ardent celebrates its second birthday, with zero lost time incidents with the passing of May 1,
2017. (Photo: U.S. Coast Guard)

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