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Home HRAwards BDI@1,455: the fall continues; “gains” for the Wets

BDI@1,455: the fall continues; “gains” for the Wets

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John Faraclas

Another bad start for the Dry Markets amid another upcoming Geopolitical turmoil… John Faraclas daily recap:

The BDI lost 19 points earlier on today with all dry indices falling… the Gap widens now at 792 points from the 2,247 points as of 31 Dec. 2013…

The Capers lost nine points, a “controlled” loss with the BCI now reading 3,351 points…

The Panamaxes down 31 with the BPI now reading 1,387 points.

The Supras’ BSI continued with a double digit fall, 24 points lost today, and now stand at 888…

Two points down for the Handies’ BHSI now at 642 points…

The Wets “gained” the much needed “breathing” space with the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) standing at 803 – plus one, and 550 – plus four respectively…

The Container Trade still tries to make the leap forward and survive and I can assure you all that we will witness the biggest mess the shipping industry has ever been faced with! Consolidation is one thing, optimum and sustainable – needless to say profitable performance yet another…

The WTI was at US$54.21 – still above the US$50 mark which will, for sure, create a big mess…

The Geopolitics continue to be murky and expect the unexpected very soon…

The MIGRANTS still on top with more losses of human life at sea – off Spain  and in Lesvos island Greece… The surge continues all over the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea despite the fact that we are in mid-November and the weather gets worse…

The Wars in Syria and Iraq against the remnants of ISIS continues but also we are faced with the third phase of the Wars there with many human losses and incalculable repercurssions in all fronts. Watch-out how the Kurds will react… Turkey has a case to answer there… the super powers too!  Exploiting the Kurds will backfire! What was Raqqa’s secret deal and how can we accept criminals of ISIS go Scot-free…? The Middle East is on fire. Everything is swifting, even the tectonic plates given the 7.3  earthquake at the borders between Iraq-Iran with hundreds dead and nearly 10,000 injured…

In Turkey things get worse and except what take place we have scandals involving off-springs of politicians, some of whom are accused to be involved in shipping business… Turkey continues to be a pariah state and a non-trusted ally in NATO; the latest S-400 defence missiles from Russia is yet another proof of Turkey’s behaviour…

Greece continues to be in dire straits  and as we have stressed before, things might get nasty… In the meantime some functions of the centre-left have tried to unite and widen its presence, but… All in all Greece is a county to watch as well as Europe for its pathetic attitude against the Greek people… Meantime, he Grammenos’ 4th Triennial Cass Business School two-day conference in Athens was more than a success!

Cyprus and the long lasting Peace deal there, still in limbo…

BREXIT gets more serious now and we are all eager to see what is next. Parliament is to be given a take it or leave it vote… In the meantime, fake news make waves. Be on guard…

The EU is still in a difficult momentum… Not yet any announcement from Germany on its new administration…

Putin’s Russia as intrusive as ever… Cyber war tactics at its best, but… The British response could be devastating if Russia continues to intrude here…

At the other site of the Atlantic things are not rosy either… In the meantime the USA displays its military might in the Korean peninsular and rightly so… What presidents Trump and Putin are really  discussing.

On another note, the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards 2017 is coming up and in less than two weeks, one of the most important events for Greek Shipping, that of the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards  is about to take place. We have noticed a surge in logins last week on last year’s winners, an exceptional surge which today at 21:31 GMT reached 1,863 logins proving that this is The Event of the Year and we look forward to this unique night in Athens…

More news tomorrow, until then be on guard from any eventuality emanating from Pirates and Terrorists looming in the background…wherever you are on Planet Oceans.

Uploaded 22:00 GMT

Updated 23:55 GMT

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