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Home MarketsChartering The BDI@601; enough to buy a pair of jeans…

The BDI@601; enough to buy a pair of jeans…

by admin

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) ended the week down to 601 points – minus nine points since yesterday and 44 since last week’s closing when the BDI stood at 645 points. Geopolitics in total disarray. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

The Capes despite a “stabilization” continue to be the most enigmatic size. The BCI was down 54 points today at 792 – losing even the 800 point threshold and on a weekly basis the triple digit figure tells it all: 222 points down – from 1.014!

The Panamaxes’ BPI was up 13 points – a good 13 for luck and now reads 574 points; on a weekly basis the BPI was the only size with an upwards mode as 14 points were added in its favour – up from 560!

The Supras’ BSI managed to clinch one point and now reads 415; it was down though 35 points since last weeks 450 points…

The Handies’ BHSI … “remained” ground at 290 points but on a weekly basis same lost 21 points – from 311!

The Wets fell both on a daily as well as on a weekly basis; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 797 (losing the 800 points threshold) and 629 – eight and four points respectively. On a weekly basis the BDTI was down 51 points – from 848, and the BCTI was down 24 – from 653 respectively.

The WTI stood at US$ 52.72 (23:00 GMT) – that’s eight cents higher from yesterday and US$ 2.54 down from last week’s US$ 55.26.

So, all in all we witnessed a falling Dry and Wet market with the only “good” sign being the fact that the last week we witnessed a controlled fall. There is no professional anxiety and behaviour to feel that after the Chinese New Year’s celebrations the Markets will pick up… There will be certainly some transactions from the Chinese but don’t expect anything spectacular. Again we reiterate the view that given the fact that the Planet Ocean’s economy – borrowing / debt is in red with US$ 250 trillion and dangerous Geopolitics in all five continents, silly environmental demands and strange as well as asymmetrical outcome vis-à-vis the 2020 and the scrubbers saga – what a palaver, don’t expect any spectacular positive changes. Only, repeat only when the BDI goes over and above the 2,000 point mark and the Wets above the 1,000,  then we “can” talk again… Until then ensure you are AAAA – you dead well know what I mean eh!

A bad day for the majority of the main Stock Markets…

Geopolitics: as messy as ever; as dangerous as ever; as enigmatic as ever; as perplexed as ever… CAUTION as everyday we have are being faced with fresh challenges in all fronts all over Planet Ocean.

MIGRANTS messy as always…

The faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of African gets even worse; its two main epicentres will soon re-explode – a “…conflagration waiting to happen”…  The Syrian, Iraqi and now Kurdish saga. Is ISIS finally defeated , eh! 

Turkey as usual stubborn and provocative; the Turks irrespective who runs their clan will remain Turks for ever. They don’t show the slightest respect for any of its neighbours and play the religion card to stir-up the entire region…

Greece boils as usual with populist petty marionettes schemes and shames… Ultra CAUTION should be observed.

The Cyprus bullying continues… What a hypocritic society we live in, eh!

Add the Balkans, Catalonia, the ITALOFRENCH war of words – not a surprise at all. They have already five issues to short out,  hence at loggerheads… Germany cannot afford to become the Fire brigade… or will at the end of the day…

The Yellow Vests will also appear tomorrow for the 13th time… CAUTION! France needs change…

The bankrupt European Union… with whatever this entails with or without BREXIT… is in tatters… Its security in limbo too…

BREXIT about to give and offer surprises; what a mess… Everything is moving, everything is needed and nothing (will) remain the same… – I am sure you remember who said this antiquity… Expect too many developments on the BREXIT saga from all sides

Russia with Putin’s agenda becoming now a dogma shakes the region and beyond…. CAUTION… The Crimean saga continues…

The Baltic States are also under threat…

AND, repeat AND, we have the streams; the North Stream and the South Stream as well as Pipelines for oil, gas the lot. A melee so to speak putting in danger all repeat all European Union members and beyond. All for the energy security of Europe. Nonsense: You guys, you better streamline the situation before we all go at War.-

The other side of the Atlantic too has issues, both north and south. In the North we might see another shutdown… Jeff Bezos and president Donald Trump at odds?  At least this is the view the media serve us. Let’s see who eats / opts for the cold plate… err revenge!

The Trade War with China is an American game; we said it and put it down: America wins!

Chinese expansionism and threats in the Pacific and China Sea must be curbed… ENOUGH!

Japan is watching beyond the side lines…

Watch what’s coming up in India’s elections…

In South America more turmoil… Venezuela’s Nicholas Madouro must allow humanitarian aid to reach those in need. NO EXCUSES please!!! Difficult times ahead…

Brazil; let’s see how Bolsonaro tackles ageing problems in a very delicate situation. And the damn dam worsening everything… AND Shipping of course..

Africa’s limbo situation continues… in all fronts…

In Australia there was a hack attempt against its Parliament… Cyber warfare…

Oh well, enough for all to think all these issues but all of these issues influence the Dry and Wet Markets.. CAUTION as in a bankrupt Planet Ocean, everything is possible!

Mind the way we enter the New Global Recession – its ante portas! How a dilapidated EU counter? It’s more troubles beyond BREXIT or an unbelievable  r e m a i n   connection…

Let’s see the Chinese New Year Parade tomorrow – in London is a super event as well as the BAFTA Awards…

MIGRANTS, Wars, Recession, yes Recession ante portas, a dilapidated so to speak EU with more troubles beyond the BREXIT saga – Italy vs. France…

Have a nice weekend and remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.


Uploaded: 23:30 GMT

Updated:   23:55 GMT

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