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Home HRCharity The BDI@2,064; a cause for CC …err Cautious Celebrations

The BDI@2,064; a cause for CC …err Cautious Celebrations

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John Faraclas

The BDI@2,064; a cause for CC …err Cautious Celebrations

The BDI gained 53 points earlier on today and it’s only 173 points apart from that of the end of December 2013 when it stood at 2,247 (2,247 – 2,064= 173) Geopolitics? Well only the 12 Greek Gods know what’s next… Best one goes to Delphi, resurrect the Oracle, …find a Pythia and get the business political maxim of what’s next to expect. John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

Still triple digit plus figures for the skyrocking Capes; the BCI was up 127 and now reads 4,095. Another threshold has been “conquered”. At US$ 30,000 per day T/C NO one should ever complain…

The Panamaxes’ BPI gained a modest 33 points and now stand at 2,085

A double digit plus for the Supras’ BSI now at 928  – plus 23 point!

The Handies’ BHSI with plus four points now stand at 481!!!

Still falling Wets; last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) now stand at 623 – minus four and 513 – minus ten points respectively…

The WTI lost 84 cents and now reads US$ 56.78; that’s better eh! Love the fall and look forward to US$ 49.99 to help the 95 centum of Planet Ocean’s population which can’t afford these high prices…

The Geopolitics will push humanity …over the cliffs. The situation everywhere is very disturbing; from whichever angle you want to see things, everything smells of gun powder within nations and blocks and within cities so to speak. The latest recession with the US$ 250 (twohundredandfifty) trillion world debt make things even worse…. Add the BREXIT which will soon enter in a very vey very critical stage and see what you get…

Still nothing positive happened with the MIGRANTS in the informal meeting of EU’s interior ministers which took place in Helsinki, Finland with respect the  “distribution” mechanism  of MIGRANTS seeking asylum in the EU’s counties, confirming our worries… Let’s hope on Monday in Luxemburg where both the Foreign and Interior Ministers meet again what will happen. They need at least 15 nations to ensure the mechanism works so they can “distribute” them… how disturbing… Meantime more and more arrive in the EU from the Anatolian Coast of Turkey and North Africa and 5 centum of them, at least are lost… mainly drown… SHAME to all politicians and diplomats involved as well as to many NGO’s  and security services and hospital personnel  involved in human trafficking/smuggling !! SHAME!

147 (onehundedandfortyseven) MIGRANTS whee rescued today by the Hellenic Coast Guard off the island of Samos,  nearbyFarmakonisi and just of the Port of Alexandroupolis in North East Thrace,Greece…

Turkey makes everybody upset in all fronts in the East med and beyond! The EU and the USA if they don’t act decisively and abandon verbal warning – as president Erdogan doesn’t understand A N Y T H I N G  only military intervention and isolation. Turkey has become the champion of pariah states; end of the story. Pity of the Turkish public…

What’s up in Syria… What a mess and a conspicuous silence by the “western” media…

Bullying Cyprus, Greece, Syria, Iraq – this time for energy reasons, has gone too far and the day will come for a general  conflagration… Watch this space… as the drilling issue in Cyprus’ EEZ that Turkey is unlawfully pursuing, might become an endgame for many, unfortunately…

Greece, beside these drilling worries, lives in a different also environment as the country, following the parliamentary elections, looks forward to stabilise the economic situation of ten hard years of austerity, capital controls and poverty coupled with high unemployment and offer Greeks better days! We had the sworn in of the 300 MPs – 189 of them gave a religious sworn-in!! Tomorrow we expect to see who will become the …Speaker of the House…

Italy still in financial tatters…

A non-deal BREXIT for sure might cause a major recession!! CAUTION!!! Above all it’s the real interest for the United Kingdom and not the ambition of politicians… Populism must end here and now!

The USA  and Russia are involved in the INF issue and that might trigger another mess in the armaments race with the ballistic missiles whether medium of long range ones.. CAUTION…

More news tomorrow…

Now, on another tone and note we attended three events today – a very busy day indeed:

Fabian Bindlay, his mother Vassilina Bindlay and Costas Frangeskides

Beginning with the very special and charitable one at HFW, the Russian Club Lunch at the heart of the Square Mile – the unique garden of HFW’s basement with about 150 attending.

Both our hosts, Costas Frangeskides and Jonathan Bruce on a great day supported by members of the HFW team –  Margarita Kato, Brooke Grainger, Katerina Botsini and others. Excellent food – cold, hot and dips, cold drinks – the white wine was exceptional! Don’t ask about networking…

The charity part went more than well supporting the Friends of the Belarusian Children’s Hospice (UK)… Speeches, sort and to the point by Costas Frangeskides, Daryl Ann Hardman – a very touching speech, Vassilina Bindley and her son Fabian.


What a turn out!

The weather was fantastic and the trees in HFW garden “complimenting” all by protecting us from the sun! Mediterranean weather in London; climate change at its best. Good to meet a few Greeks too, amongst them Crawford’s Stathis Carantonis and Katerina Botsini from the hosts!


Pankhuri Poddar from Cass Business School was there too – we met at WISTA’s 45th Anniversary last week at the IMO and looks determined to conquer the shipping world,  with Shaun Shonchhatra of ckre.

Smiling faces; Katerina Botsini, Margarita Kato and Brooke Grainger

Following some brief meetings in the City we headed  with friends at the Dutch Hall nearby Liverpool Stree to attend the “MarineTraffic London Forum” organised by our friends Navigate PR with Bill Lines introducing the event.

Four excellent presentations by Demetris Memos , Vlassis Papapanagis, Amir Rashad – a client of MarineTraffic  and Argyris Stasinakis.

Dimitris Memos

All slides presentations for the subject matter were more simple and self-explanatory. A good turn out from the Greek shipping fraternity headed by HESGB Demeitris Monioudis and members of the BoD/|S including Costas Amarantides, Costas Ladas, Paraskevas (Paris) Mangriotis and many others. Good to see back in the UK  – after being in Singapore, Maria Dragoumerli now with TMC Marine – a BV member and Christina Douka from the same company

Missed the Q&A time as well as the post event drinks and dips as I had to attend the final, third event of the day in NW1. At the Theatro Technis off King’s Cross the Lobby of Cyprus, given the 45th anniversary of the Turkish invasions there organised a seminar on “Cyprus oil and gas exploration: challenges and opportunities”.

Antonia Dimou and moderator Costas Frangeskides

All about the geostrategic significance of east Mediterranean energy resources and the role of Cyprus. This was delivered by the very eloquent Antonia Dimou who is the head of the Middle East Unit at the Institute for Security and Defence Analyses in Athens and an Associate at the Centre for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan AND a diplomatic advisor at the Greek Parliament,

She analysed the recent offshore hydrocarbon developments, geostrategic and security implications and the role of the emerging energy players in the region.

There were over 25 questions from the 180 strong audience   and a lot of to and fro discussions. The seminar was excellently moderated by HFW’s Costas Frangeskides who is also a member of the Lobby of Cyprus.

Please to see that in her meticulously selected slides for her presentation Ms Dimou included a few from MarinTraffic !!! making my day and proving the importance of some Greek oriented company’s thriving all over Planet Ocean!!! Well done and congratulations to all for this exceptional event and open discussion.

Members of the Lobby of Cyprus with the speaker

That’s all for tonight, have a nice evening and continue to remain on guard from action emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.

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