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London International Shipping Week Daily News Briefing -1

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Daily News Briefing

News in and around LISW19

In the 09/10/2019 edition:

New ship to boost safe navigation in UK seas

By Sally Butler on Sep 09, 2019 05:32 pm

  • Government confirms it will buy new state-of-the-art ship for General Lighthouse Authority Trinity House.
  • Cutting-edge vessel will replace the ageing THV Patricia and will use new tech to improve safety at sea.
  • New ship announced as part of London International Shipping Week, which is promoting the UK as a leading maritime trading nation.

Travelling in UK waters will be safer than ever thanks to a new ship bought by the Department for Transport, to help other boats navigate our seas safely and smoothly.

Maritime Minister Nusrat Ghani has today (Monday, September 9) marked the start of London International Shipping Week by announcing a new ship for the General Lighthouse Authority, which is responsible for providing more than 600 aids to navigation around UK waters, including ships, lighthouses and buoys, and helping thousands of mariners every year.

The vessel – which is yet to be named – will provide critical navigation aids to even more ships in some of the most dangerous waters in the world, guiding them into safe channels away from wrecks, thanks to an upgrade in the latest technology.

Maritime Minister Nusrat Ghani, said:

“Our maritime sector is crucial to UK trade with 95 per cent of our imports and exports transported by sea.

“With our waters becoming busier all the time, dealing with incidents quickly and efficiently is more important than ever.

“This new ship will support the General Lighthouse Authority to help future-proof their fleet and continue to support maritime safety and trade for generations to come.”

This significant investment by the UK Government will see a state-of-the-art ship built to replace the ageing THV Patricia – which has been in service since 1982.

The vessel will harness technological and environmental innovations to ensure the safe passage of ships, safeguarding future maritime trade and bolstering the UK’s maritime capability.

An invitation to tender has now been launched for the shipbuilding industry to further develop plans for the new vessel, which will join Trinity’s existing fleet.

Captain Ian McNaught, Trinity House Executive Chairman said:

“We are pleased to hear that the Maritime Minister is content for us to move the Vessel Replacement Project closer towards the design and build phase.

“While we must ensure that value for money is central to the design, we will also be looking for new, tested and robust technologies in the vessel design; these technologies will need to offer high performance and resilience and also reduce our environmental impact.”

This investment is the latest move by the Government to future-proof the UK’s maritime sector as the gateway to the world, supporting innovation and ensuring competition thrives once the UK leaves the EU on October 31.

Earlier this year the Department for Transport also launched its Maritime 2050 Strategy, which sets out an ambition for the UK to become a world leader in the move to clean maritime, reducing the environmental impacts of shipping and supporting UK businesses to grow.

This also follows the existing National Ship Building Strategy, which outlines an ambition to transform the procurement of naval ships, grow the Royal Navy fleet by the 2030s, export British ships overseas, and boost innovation, skills, jobs, and productivity across the UK.

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Government hails maritime industry as lifeblood of global trade with launch of London International Shipping Week

By Sally Butler on Sep 09, 2019 05:31 pm

  • Leading global maritime event will show the UK is open for business and has a bright future in international trade.
  • More than 20,000 delegates flood to the capital amid a suite of new Government policies to further enhance the UK as a world maritime leader.
  • Ministers will meet with sector leaders to discuss ambitious future plans for maritime.

Maritime trade will take centre stage this week as 20,000 industry leaders head to the capital for London International Shipping Week

Cabinet members including the Secretaries of State for Transport, International Trade and Defence as well as the Minister for Maritime will attend events across the week to champion their continued support for the sector, and highlight the UK as a hub for international maritime trade.

The event will showcase the unique opportunities for international business that will reinvigorate the UK shipbuilding industry as we leave the EU on October 31, with the UK open for business as it looks towards a bright future in maritime trade.

Nusrat Ghani, Maritime Minister, said:

“Our maritime industry is thriving, and fundamental to our success as a trading nation, contributing £14.5 billion to the UK.

“And as the largest trade event this year, London International Shipping Week is a unique opportunity for us to promote our ambition for a Global Britain, and for the sector to secure fantastic trade for the UK.

“As we look to reframe our relationship with the world, government is determined to work with industry to showcase all the UK has to offer and I am delighted to welcome so many of our great trade partners to the capital.”

The UK has a proud maritime history, and shipping remains key to the economy, directly contributing £14.5 billion to the UK’s GDP and accounting for 95 per cent of British trade.

Ministers will use the week to set out a range of measures to support the maritime sector even further, as Government looks towards the UK’s role as a premier global trading nation post-Brexit, including plans and investments to strengthen UK ship-building, boost cutting-edge maritime technology, and increase the uptake of careers in the industry.

London International Shipping Week, which will showcase the breadth of the sector, will restate the UK’s position as leader in maritime and provide the opportunity to build meaningful bridges between companies and trading partners.

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss MP said:

“As the UK stands on the brink of a new era in our trading history, I’m committed to working with the maritime sector to ensure we remain a top trading nation. This week is a perfect opportunity to highlight our capabilities in areas such as digital technologies, shipbuilding, maritime science and services so we can capitalise on demand for British-built vessels from around the world.

“As an island nation, shipping is the lifeblood of our trading success. That’s why I’ll be establishing Freeports across the UK as soon as possible after we leave the EU, to drive growth and activity at our ports and ensure towns and cities across the UK benefit from post-Brexit trade opportunities. ”

During the week, the UK Ship Register will also launch its future plans for growth, highlighting the British ‘Red Ensign’ as a symbol of the UK’s competitive advantage, offering a vibrant global shipping service by providing world class surveyors and regulation to ensure the safety of seafarers’ vessels and the environment.

Ministers will also highlight the value of the shipping sector to key coastal communities, with the sector directly employing more than 186,000 people. Domestically Maritime drives vital local investment.

The attendees include Europe’s biggest ship owners and international delegations including Greece, Brazil, South Korea, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong and China.

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By Juliet on Sep 09, 2019 05:28 pm

London International Shipping Week 2019 (LISW19) got off to a flying start this morning as UK Government and industry opened trading at the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Lord Mountevans, Chairman of the LISW19 Board of Advisors; Nusrat Ghani MP, Minister for Maritime and Kitack Lim, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) joined Nikos Gazelidis, Global Head of Shipping for ATPI Marine & Energy as well as leaders from global shipping to perform the market opening ceremony.

Lord Mountevans said: “We have been overwhelmed by the support of the UK Government, led by the Department for Transport, towards London International Shipping Week 2019. Alongside Ministerial presence, leaders from every sector of the global maritime industry will gather this week to take part in more than 200 meetings, seminars and functions. We are looking forward to welcoming the international maritime sector to London throughout the week.”

Taking place from September 9 to 13, LISW19 will be the must-attend event of the global maritime calendar. On Thursday 12th September, LISW19 culminates in a Headline Conference and spectacular Gala Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane.

Further information about LISW19 can be found on the dedicated event website: www.londoninternationalshippingweek.com or you can follow us on Twitter @LISWOfficial or #LISW19. To find out how to register, please visit www.londoninternationalshippingweek.com or download the LISW19 app by searching for LISW19 at the Google Play Store or App Store
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New Maritime London report outlines steps to grow UK’s $6bn maritime businesses

By Claire Sneddon on Sep 09, 2019 03:13 pm

A new report commissioned by trade promotion body Maritime London has set out 36 detailed recommendations to grow the UK’s $6bn – ­marine insurance, ship broking, legal, finance and classification industries. The UK has long been the global leader for professional maritime services, but faces increasing competition from centres including Singapore, US, China and Norway. The global market for maritime services is estimated to be worth $20bn.

Published today (9 September) at the start of London International Shipping Week 2019, Catching the Wave authored by the consultancy PwC in support of the UK Government’s Maritime 2050 Strategy provides a detailed roadmap of industry and government actions needed to strengthen the UK’s position in the maritime professional business sector. These recommendations include growing the UK’s base of international ship owners and charterers, extending leadership in technology, supporting green ship finance activities and increasing the UK’s talent pool.

Maritime London Chairman Lord Mountevans said:

“This detailed report should inspire industry and government to build on the strengths of the UK maritime cluster and seize new opportunities. The global market for professional maritime services is worth $20bn and is growing. We must work together to enhance the UK’s leading position as the world’s top maritime services cluster. Changing trade patterns, new vessel types, digital technologies and green solutions all offer us the opportunity to grow our market share, expand our businesses and increase our contribution to the UK economy.”

The report’s initiatives are grouped under six headings:

  1. Strengthen the core of ship owners and charterers
    Recommendations include the appointment of a government ‘shipping czar’ to drive a campaign to attract more ship owners and charterers to the UK
  2. Deepen the UK lead in specialist segments
    The UK has a significant lead in maritime disputes and insurance. Recommendations include the development of legal frameworks for AI, autonomous vessels and carbon emissions to strengthen this position
  3. Rebuild the UK’s position in ship finance
    The UK has a marginal presence in ship financing following the exit of RBS and Lloyds from the market. Recommendations to revive ship finance include achieving dual listings of large shipping companies on the London Stock Exchange; developing London as the leading offshore centre for RMB based ship leasing and greater sector outreach to the deep pool of UK based institutional investors.
  4. Extend the UK’s lead in technology
    Measures to improve the adoption of digital technologies by the maritime sector including the creation of a government and industry backed fund focused on supporting innovation and the designation of maritime as a priority sector within existing government schemes.
  5. Increase the talent pool
    The availability of skilled staff is a key driver of success for the maritime cluster. Ensure that post-Brexit visa and immigration rules mean that UK firms can recruit the best international staff as well as measures to increase the number of merchant officers, increase diversity and further internationalise the UK’s maritime colleges
  6. Enhance cluster effect benefits
    The positive effect of having multiple maritime service providers in one location needs to be further enhanced. Recommendations include working more closely with other European clusters, proactively engaging with developing economies and virtual clustering initiatives.

The report’s authors say that delivering the recommendations will require both government and authors to work closely together to implement them through a combination of work with the Department of Transport, the Treasury, the Department for International Trade and maritime associations.

A full copy of the report can be downloaded from here.

About Maritime London

Maritime London is a promotional body for UK-based companies professional services to the international shipping industry. Funded by over 140 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world-beating location to base a maritime related business and to conduct maritime trade.


Notes to editors

  • Insurance
    The UK has a c.25% share of the global marine insurance market and employs 6000. The UK has 70% share of the market in offshore energy. Eight of the 13 Protection & Indemnity Clubs are managed from the UK.
  • Law
    Over 400 UK based law firm partners focus on maritime law, more than twice as many as the nearest competing centre. 80% of global maritime disputes are arbitrated in London.
  • Shipbroking
    Seven of the top 20 shipbroking firms (including two of the top three: Clarksons and Simpson Spence Young) are headquartered in London.
  • Classification
    Lloyd’s Register is one of the four large global classification societies which between them class over 70% of the global fleet.
  • Ship management
    The UK is the third largest location for third party ship management and is home to V Group, the world’s largest third-party manager.
  • Employment
    The professional maritime services sector is estimated to employ 10,000.

For more information, please contact:
Claire Sneddon

Navigate PR, The Baltic Exchange, 38 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BH
or 0203 326 8459 or 0782 447 8058.
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By Debbie Owen on Sep 09, 2019 09:52 am

Two 17 year old maritime students from Simon’s Town School’s Lawhill Maritime Centre (www.lawhill.org) will be among the industry ‘movers and shakers’ attending the prestigious London International Shipping Week (LISW), a ‘must attend global shipping event’ taking place from September 9 to 13, 2019.

Their visit has been made possible by the TK Foundation, a Bahamas-based private grant-making foundation.  The Foundation has supported the school for the past 10 years, most notably via the generous donation of safe and modern accommodation facilities for boarding and maritime instruction.

While in London, Grade 12 maritime students, Lerato Tsautse, from Durban, and Kyla Cloete, from Cape Town, will be attending a two-day ‘Women in Shipping Summit’ which focuses on attracting more female talent into the maritime workplace, both ashore and at sea.

The Summit also aims to look beyond gender to the digital transformation and innovation in shipping.

It is estimated that approximately two percent of the world’s seafarers are female and that only 7% of the management positions in the shipping industry are held by women.

The maritime-focused programme at Simon’s Town School has, since 1995, helped young men and women make their mark in the sector by providing them with a specialist maritime education, while they are still at secondary school.

The opportunity to travel abroad – a first for both Lerato and Kyla – is a life-changing experience for these two, high-potential, young women as it will allow them to network with industry leaders, gain a global perspective on the shipping industry and be inspired by successful women working in various sectors across the maritime industry.

Visit www.lawhill.org for more on the Simon’s Town School’s Lawhill Maritime Centre, https://maritime.knect365.com/women-in-shipping-summit/ for more on the Women in Shipping Summit and https://londoninternationalshippingweek.com for more on LISW2019




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