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Home Banking ‘Green deal’ could deepen EU tensions, Developments in global financial stability

‘Green deal’ could deepen EU tensions, Developments in global financial stability

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‘Green deal’ could deepen EU tensions, Developments in global financial stability

Tuesday 4 February 2020  – Vol.11 Ed.6.1

Commentary: ‘Green deal’ could deepen EU tensions

By Miroslav Singer in Prague

The European Union is seemingly united on a ‘green new deal’, barring a hesitant, coal-dependent Poland. This belies contrasting political climates and green party standings in ‘old’ EU member states and in those that joined after 2004. Many observers tend to neglect how much new member states’ economies rely on industrial production. Latvia is the only one in which industrial production contributes less to national GDP than the EU average. It will be difficult to forge a ‘green deal for Europe’ without negative consequences for industry.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Meeting: Developments in global financial stability


Tuesday 11 February, New York, 10:30-12:15 EST

As institutional investors move towards riskier and more illiquid assets, and international lending structures become more complex, policy-makers are expected to respond with new supervisory measures and debt management frameworks. Fabio Natalucci, deputy director of the monetary and capital markets department at the International Monetary Fund, and Catherine Mann, managing director and global chief economist at Citi, help sketch the investor landscape by dissecting the key risks to global financial stability.

Request to attend the meeting.



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