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Home MarketsChartering Monday Market Dry Hiccups, mixed Wets, enigmatic Geopolitics and wonder when the COVID-19 Vaccine does the trick…

Monday Market Dry Hiccups, mixed Wets, enigmatic Geopolitics and wonder when the COVID-19 Vaccine does the trick…

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John Faraclas

Monday Market Dry Hiccups, mixed Wets, enigmatic Geopolitics and wonder when the COVID-19  Vaccine does the trick…

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell three points since last Friday 27/11 and now stands at 1,227. Mixed Wets a liability. Seems Joe Biden will be the one occupying the Oval Office following the most strange ever presidential elections and a Republican term with PRESIDENT Trump shooting his feet. The Vaccine “is” out there, but can same do the trick? John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

What an odd day, eh! The Capes BCI fell 11 points and now stands at 1,522…

Two points lost from the Panamaxes with the BPI reading 1,427 points…

Supras enjoy a bit of a good time, safely above the 1,022 points – plus four…

Five well deserved points for the Handies’ BHSI now at 654…

A very enigmatic market situation… CAUTION!

Mixed feelings for the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 458 – plus three and 351 – minus nine points respectively.

The WTI lost 32 cents and now stands at US$ 45,22…

Geopolitics more than sour…

Per our preamble looks likely Joe Biden is heading for the White House’s Oval office… Unlucky man, tough having a mild fracture in his foot… That’s what I call nasty…

Migrants make waves… in the Straits of Dover. A very big mess…

Turkey is about to rock Peace in a wider region around its current borders… Erdogan targets Greece and a number of its islands and Germans should stop this mess before one day they are diminished following WWIII. We have to use a strong language so all things being equal, no one in Germany will have an excuse… History repeats itself… NATO too MUST choose: with Terrorists and Pariah States or with Law respecting states… Only when the Turks leave the Med and conversely  the Aegean, as happened just over 2,500 years ago with the Persians, Peace and Prosperity will be the norm in the entire region. For those studying our reports we have mentioned this many times in the past. Erdogan and his backers will try and capitulate during the transition period in the White House. CAUTION! Wake up…

BREXIT will become a tough cookie for all…

We invite the European Union to get its act together…

Iran might retaliate following the assassination via an abuse of its top nuclear scientist. CAUTION, as you never ever know what might happen…

China and Australia at loggerheads…

Mind the Tigray issue…

More news tomorrow…

The Vaccine is ante portas but with too many strings attached… It can’t beat Coronavirus but it can contain same; a major “war”, a major fight for humanity for the years to come… A deadly flu so to speak. Only Discipline and Responsibility will save us from this anathema… Because of COVID-19, we are faced with clashes in many civilised countries – France par example… This time round we “lack” spin doctors… who could have offer a solution…

Have a nice evening ensuring you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 280 (twohundredandeighty) trillion…

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