INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY (IWD) Help us celebrate IWD 8 March 2021 – theme Choose to ChallengeTake a picture of yourself, ask colleagues and friends to take them as well, holding a poster with #MaritimeChoosetoChallenge and a line e.g. We need more women seafares, I will challenge gender sterotypes and bias or your own message/pledge and sent them to so we can use montages in our social media on the day.Use the hashtag #MaritimeChoosetoChallenge on your own posts on the day.
Our confirmed events – save the dates8 March – International Women’s Day – We will be joining WMU’s online event “Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World” 14.00-15.00 Tuesday, 23rd March 2021 @ 13:30pm – What does the BREXIT new trade agreement mean for UK Ports and trade; legal and taxation business concerns. Speakers Tim Morris UK Major Ports Group, Richard Ballantyne British Ports Association, a Tax Expert and a Legal Expert chaired by Sue Terpilowski Image Line/WISTA UK Joint President1 April – Using 3D to increase certainity in maritime incident response – Waves Group from 13.30
Tuesday, 20th of April, 2021 @ 13:30pm – Strategic Maritime Security Workshop by Dryad Global+ Annual review briefing (overs global kidnap statistics and nationalities of those kidnapped with angle: #AllLivesMatter)30 April – Self care event – Mental Health looks different for everyone with Deilaa Ocran. Online 13.304 May – Women in Ports plus Gender Diversity survey briefing – 13.30 online4 June self care event – Did I mention the M Word? with WinTrade Global.Online 13.306 July @ 13:30PM online – Mastering Media Crisis response; Guidelines & Strategy – Interactive scenario & role playing workshop by Image Line Global
2021 Membership renewalsWe are sending out our renewal subscriptions invoices now, please let us know if you don’t receive it – the email address it will be sent from is if you could white list it, this will avoid it being sent to junk folders. Thanking you for your co-operation.Don’t forget to visit our website to log in for members directory, forum and events calendar.
WISTA UK – Southampton, North East and ScotlandWe are looking to relaunch WISTA SouthamptonAnd also to launch WISTA North East and WISTA ScotlandIf you are interested in helping please contact Sue
WISTA promotes diversity in the maritime, trading and logistics sectors, empowering women to lead through their unique perspective and competencies, with the conviction, that gender diversity is key in providing a sustainable future for the shipping industry internationally.