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Home ShipmanagementBunkering ClassNK grants its first Remote Survey (RMSV) notation to newbuilding

ClassNK grants its first Remote Survey (RMSV) notation to newbuilding

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ClassNK grants its first Remote Survey (RMSV) notation to newbuilding

Picture: Courtesy of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.

~”K” LINE’s LNG-fueled Pure Car Carrier “CENTURY HIGHWAY GREEN”~

Tokyo – Leading Classification Society ClassNK has granted its Remote Survey (RMSV) notation for CENTURY HIGHWAY GREEN, an LNG-fueled PCC operated by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE). This is the first vessel on ClassNK’s registry to be marked with RMSV notation at the time of delivery.

To provide a proper guidance for remote surveys using ICT, ClassNK published its Guidelines for Remote Surveys (Ver.2) in January 2021 by incorporating outcomes of investigation and examination for presenting transparent standards for remote survey application and ensuring reliability equivalent to conventional witness surveys. In Ver. 2.0, ClassNK made a revision to include class notation requirements for ships with advance preparation for remote surveys such as procedures for crew members.

ClassNK has carried out the verification of the vessel in line with the guidelines. Upon satisfactory completion of its document/plan examination and survey, ClassNK issued its first certificate with RMSV notation to the newbuilding.

“K” LINE has strengthened the infrastructure for onboard and ship-to-land communication beyond that of conventional ships. Examples of the strengthened points announced by “K” LINE are as beneath:

  1. Expansion of on-board Wi-Fi: In addition to living quarters, efficiency of vessel operations has been improved by installing Wi-Fi on the cargo deck and in the engine room and LNG fuel-related equipment compartment.
  2. Introduction of wireless communication equipment supporting explosion-proof areas: Explosion-proof LCX wireless communications equipment has been introduced in explosion-proof areas to ensure communications.
  3. Introduction of 4G/LTE: The communication environment with relevant personnel and operational efficiency has been improved by utilizing high-speed broadband communication on a land cellular phone network while docked.

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