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Net zero not a one fuel solution

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Net zero not a one fuel solution

Naval Architect eNews is the newsletter of the international magazine 
The Naval Architect, published by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects

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The Naval Architect – January 2022

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Net zero not a one fuel solution

Net zero

The maritime industry will have to embrace a variety of different fuel transition pathways, according to a new report from researchers at the Technical University of Denmark.


Titan LNG’s new tank design boosts bunkering capacityTitan LNG has developed an innovative concept for the fuel storage tanks used in its liquid gas bunker barge design series ‘Hyperion’.


SSI’s ShipConstructor 2022 R2: take back controlThe latest SSI release has introduced assembly level locking features that provide project management with high-level change controls throughout the design approval workflow.


VDES promises a new era for maritime communicationsThe design and implementation of VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) services has the potential to revolutionise ship tracking communication in the decade ahead.

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