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Home Banking Financial institutions must act on climate promises in 2022

Financial institutions must act on climate promises in 2022

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Financial institutions must act on climate promises in 2022

Friday 21 January 2022 – Vol.13 Ed.3.5

Commentary: Outlook 2022: 10 climate promises the financial sector must keep

By Nick Robins and Danae Kyriakopoulou

COP26 left the world a few steps closer to a sustainable financial system, and decarbonisation pledges are becoming more common in private finance. Still, fundamental financial inadequacies need to be fixed urgently. To earn and maintain trust, players across the system must use 2022 as an opportunity to deliver on their promises. There are 10 key commitments that must be kept.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Meeting: Evolving the financial system: integrating biodiversity into financial risk and regulation

Thursday 27 January 15:00-16:15 GMT

With the development of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, biodiversity is increasingly on the agendas of financial institutions. This panel discussion with the WWF will examine how the financial sector can integrate biological considerations into their investments and how to create products to hedge against nature-related and biodiversity risk.

Register to attend here

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