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Let us all give a cheer!!!! Posidonia returns to the shipping sphere!

by admin
Carleen Lyden Walker and Rebecca Tribelli

Lights!!  Cameras!!  Action!!!! 

No, this was not a movie set in Hollywood, but Posidonia 2022 which exceeded all expectations in terms of attendance and in ENERGY!!  While much of the conversation both in the conference halls and throughout the exhibition was about reducing the amount of energy required to propel and service vessels, the HUMAN energy was boundless (and, hopefully, renewable!).

SHIPPINGInsight was honored to be part of this kinetic environment with our New Tech Pavilion showcasing industry solutions for many of their thorniest problems (our hallmark for October’s event in Stamford) plus our world-renowned SHARK TANK which was SRO (standing room only!). 

We learned a lot at Posidonia, especially how SHIPPINGInsight has an important role to play in propelling our industry forward through this decade of disruption.  We bring fleet managers and solution providers together in meaningful ways that promote an interactive discussion leading to pathways of change.  We provide a forum where shipowners can input to solutions and technology can explain its results.  Our format is completely integrated to form ONE community looking for answers to meet the “Decade of Demand”.

We also provide the fun!!!  By popular request, we will feature a Celebrity Karaoke Night plus a Band Jam Night!!  So dust off the vocals, bring your guitar picks, drumsticks and more to SHIPPINGInsight 2022 in Stamford, Connecticut October 11-13th!!

Who knows, maybe the maritime stars will shine!!

Keep optimizing,

   Carleen Lyden Walker
     Chief Evolution Officer
     IMO Maritime Ambassador
     +1 203 255 4686 (o)
     +1 203 260 0480 (m)

Demand for Alternative Fuels

Shipping shown potential fuel cell retrofit pathway

2022-06-14- Norwegian fuel cell developer TECO 2030 launched yesterday a hydrogen-powered tanker concept, Hy-Ekotank, together with partners Ektank, Shell Shipping and Maritime. . . READ MORE

Low loads double methane slip on LNG carrier voyage

2022-06-14- The study led by Queen Mary University of LondonOK measured emissions onboard GasLog Galveston on a roundtrip voyage from Corpus Christi to Europe. . . READ MORE
Source: Seatrade Maritime News

Demand for Decarbonization 

LR: Rotor Sails on bulker reduce its EEDI score by 29%

2022-06-16- Lloyd’s Register (LR) has granted Approval in Principle (AiP) for a SDARI (Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute) designed 210,000 DWT Newcastlemax bulk carrier that is fitted with Anemoi Rotor Sails to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. . . READ MORE

Demand for Compliance
Scrubber-Fitted Ships See Huge Savings as Fuel Spread Widens 2022-06-14- Ship-owners that invested in pollution-reducing equipment to let them burn dirtier fuel are enjoying massive discounts due to a supply glut. . . READ MORE
The Sticky Problem of Biofouling 2022-06-19- Like many English words and phrases, the description of something reliable as “copper-bottomed” has a maritime origin. It dates from the 18th century, when seafarers had long struggled. . . READ MORE
Partnership Opportunities
Developing Agenda
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For partnership and exhibiting information in the SHIPPINGInishgt New Tech Pavilion, please contact Rebecca Tribelli at r.tribelli@shippinginsight.com

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