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Home Banking Bank of England intervention won’t be enough, Fed will reduce inflation without provoking serious downturn, and more

Bank of England intervention won’t be enough, Fed will reduce inflation without provoking serious downturn, and more

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Bank of England intervention won’t be enough By Burhan Khadbai

Is it the return of quantitative easing or is it yield curve control? Whatever you call it, the Bank of England’s shock announcement on 28 September that it would conduct ‘temporary and targeted purchases’ in the gilt market shows the extent to which investors had lost faith in the UK government’s fiscal strategy. There is also only so much central banks can do. The onus is on the government to come up with a more appropriate strategy.

 Fed will reduce inflation without provoking serious downturn

By Taylor Pearce and Neil Williams
In conversation with OMFIF Chairman David Marsh, Charles Evans, president of the Chicago Fed, offered his view on the state of the US economy as well as the outlook for the coming years. 

Evolution of payments systems: national versus international
Tuesday 4 October, Report launch
Central banks are grappling with the question of whether a national payments system is preferable an international one. OMFIF launches a report assessing the relative strengths of different payments systems. 

 Blockchain for public finance management
OMFIF, in collaboration with EY, launched a report studying the degree to which digital improvements to the management of public finances, perhaps employing blockchain, could improve operational efficiency, oversight and analysis of how best to deploy resources. 

Blockchain for public finance
In collaboration with EY, this report studies the degree to which digital technology could improve the efficiency and transparency of public finance management.

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