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Power to the People

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SHIPPINGInsight News 
April 6th, 2023

Power to the People

Over the past two weeks, we have been attending industry events in North America to promote SHIPPINGInsight to companies that recognize the importance of meeting the customer face to face.  It gives new meaning to the importance of direct communication and the value of a direct conversation over an email, a website, or even video conferencing.

We are a unique industry with differing needs.  While harmonizing is important, how much more valuable would your experience, and your time, be if you could learn exactly how a solution provider can meet your particular requirements?  How much more open would you be to new ideas if you could immediately articulate your concerns and eliminate potential barriers?  What more efficient method is there to sitting down and exploring the many facets of a product or service and how it can apply to meet YOUR needs?

Attending an event includes what we euphemistically refer to as “networking” when what we really mean is the art of doing business.  Building trust and relationships is foundational to our industry—and truly gives the power to the people.

Keep optimizing,

Carleen Lyden Walker
     Chief Evolution Officer
     IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador
     +1 203 255 4686 (o)
     +1 203 260 0480 (m)

Collaborating on Compliance

Greek Ship Manager Pleads Guilty to MARPOL Charges

2023-03-30- A Greek ship manager has pleaded guilty to criminal MARPOL violations in connection to oily-waste discharges aboard the product tanker Galissas. The owner also admitted to sailing the tanker across the. . . READ MORE

Guidelines published for safe transport of lithium-ion batteries in containers

2023-03-29- The Lithium-ion Batteries in Containers Guidelines, published yesterday by several industry bodies, seek to prevent the increasing risks that the transport of lithium-ion batteries by sea creates, providing suggestions. . . READ MORE

Global: IBIA Launches Digitalisation of Bunkering Working Group

2023-04-04- The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) has set up a new working group to focus on digitalisation in the bunker industry, which will be co-chaired by Kenneth Juhls, Managing Director of ZeroNorth. . . READ MORE

Laskaridis to become first Greek ship owner to implement ShipIn Systems’ FleetVision

2023-04-05- Athens-based Laskaridis Shipping Company has started a project with maritime technology company ShipIn Systems to roll out ShipIn’s FleetVision™ Platform across its fleet in the coming months. . . READ MORE

Collaborating on the Human Element

Relief for shipping as Europe continues to recognise Filipino seafarer certs

2023-04-03- The industry has welcomed the European Commission’s decision to continue to the certificates of some 50,000 Filipino seafarers serving on European-flagged ships. . . READ MORE

New ISWAN infographic shines spotlight on issues faced by seafarers in 2022

2023-03-29- The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) has shared insights into the issues faced by seafarers and their families in 2022 with a new infographic of data from its helplines. . . READ MORE

Collaborating on Decarbonization

Shipping industry can save $50bn through four enablers of operational efficiency

2023-03-28- A new insight brief series from the Global Maritime Forum has identified four actions that maritime and shipping industries can take now to support shipping’s transition to a sustainable and resilient zero-emission future. . . READ MORE

CORE POWER details nuclear-powered feeder boxship design

2023-04-04- UK-based marine atomic propulsion developer has unveiled a concept design for a feeder boxship. The Mikal Bøe-led firm has developed a 2,800 teu feedermax design, to go alongside other designs it has created for. . . READ MORE

Global: UMAS: Unlocking Vessel Efficiency Is Key to Keeping to 1.5 Degree Pathway Up to 2030

2023-04-05- While zero emission fuels will ultimately enable shipping to reach its decarbonisation targets, a new report from shipping consultancy service UMAS says that the absolute emission reductions needed by 2030 can largely. . . READ MORE

Collaborating on Leadership

Candidates for Secretary-General of IMO

2023-04-04- Seven IMO Member States have each nominated a candidate for the post of Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The term of the current incumbent, Mr. Kitack Lim of the Republic of Korea. . . READ MORE

Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive Chairman, Global Chair of CLIA

2023-04-04- Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive Chairman of the Cruise Division of MSC Group and Global Chair of CLIA March 28, 2023, Speech to Cruise Industry at Fort Lauderdale Convention Center. . . READ MORE

Partner Spotlight 
SHIPPINGInsight is thrilled to welcome ABS as a Platinum Partner!

ABS, a leading global provider of classification and technical advisory services to the marine and offshore industries, is committed to setting standards for safety and excellence in design, construction and operation. Focused on safe and practical application of advanced technologies and digital solutions, ABS works with industry and clients to develop accurate and cost-effective compliance, optimized performance and operational efficiency for marine and offshore assets.  

For partnership and exhibiting information, please contact 

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