APRIL 11, 2023
Your Managers direct Members’ attention to the recently released information: Colombia Drug Smuggling – Report 2023.
Colombia continues to be the largest producer of coca in the world, accounting for an estimated 61% of global production. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), despite a relevant 9% decrease in productive areas under coca cultivation three years ago, Colombian coca crops hit historic levels in 2021, reversing a three-year trend.
Furthermore, the UNODC has advised that cocaine trafficking is increasingly being carried out by sea, covering wider geographic routes. Almost 90% of the quantities of cocaine seized over the last analyzed year are related to maritime trafficking modalities.
The report also emphasizes the need for vessels to remain vigilant and provides relevant information on various methods used to smuggle by ship and recommendations in prevention.
Your Managers recommend that Members take note of this information and be guided accordingly and thank Club correspondents A&A Multiprime for generating the valuable guidance produced in the report.