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Home Associations Uncle Sam wants YOUR Zero Emission Solutions!

Uncle Sam wants YOUR Zero Emission Solutions!

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SHIPPINGInsight News 
May 17th, 2023

Uncle Sam wants YOUR Zero Emission Solutions!!

The United States National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration wants to hear from YOU on technologies for net zero vessels!!!. Please look at   https://sam.gov/opp/99531e6487da4bf9951df348e0eb6518/view

This is a request for information and open to all companies regardless of location. Please consider participating!

Keep optimizing,

NAMEPA Is In Washington DC Tomorrow!
Register Today

NAMEPA will examine the importance of collaboration in Safety at Sea during this informative seminar!  Join us for a remarkable networking and learning experience. Key speakers include Admiral Steve Poulin, Vice Commandant, United States Coast Guard, Semiramis Paliou, CEO of Diana Shipping, Richard Delpizzo of ABS, Paul Rosenblum, NAMMA, and many more! Take a look at our agenda below to see who our remarkable speakers will be! 

Learn More and Register Here!

Carleen Lyden Walker
     Chief Evolution Officer
     IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador
     +1 203 255 4686 (o)
     +1 203 260 0480 (m)

Collaboration on Decarbonization

Proman to go all-in on methanol for future shipping fleet

2023-05-08- Proman’s shipping division plans to make an eventual full switch to methanol from conventional oil-based fuels, betting on methanol’s potential decarbonization effects and proven propulsion technology. . . READ MORE

DNV forecasts oil demand in transport sector to halve by 2050

2023-05-10- DNV’s latest Transport in Transition report is a deep dive into the energy transition of transport – the most dynamic of the energy demand sectors through to 2050. . . READ MORE

Clarksons: For CII Compliance, Slowing Down Helps Less Than You Think

2023-05-10- Many of the world’s shipowners are planning to continue trading their older, less fuel-efficient tonnage using a time-honored method: slowing down. Pulling back from the vessel’s rated sea speed by just 10 percent. . . READ MORE

ICS Maritime Barometer Report: Political instability threatens maritime decarbonization

2023-05-16- The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Maritime Barometer Report 2022-2023 reveals that uncertainty over fuel availability and infrastructure puts at risk ambitions to meet decarbonization targets, reinforcing. . . READ MORE

Collaborating on Public-Private Risk Management

Pablo explosion a warning sign of worse to come

2023-05-08- One of the tanker industry’s greatest fears with the rise of the so-called shadow fleet is unfolding in Southeast Asia where an uninsured 1997-built ship exploded last week, killing three crew, and with oil washing up. . . READ MORE

The dark fleet – creeping anarchy in the world’s oceans

2023-05-10- The fatal explosion that ripped through the tanker Pablo offshore Malaysia has focused attention on the dangers the “dark fleet” raises for shipping safety. . . READ MORE

Signs growth of the 1,000-strong ‘opaque’ fleet is slowing

2023-05-10- For grey, shadow or dark, read opaque. Shipping is having to come up with new terms to define an increasing chunk of the tanker fleet, which has chosen to trade on the sidelines of international norms, creating huge concern. . . READ MORE

Vineyard Wind Tries “Bubble Curtain” System to Cut Pile-Driving Noise

2023-05-15- Vineyard Wind, the first wind farm to begin construction in U.S. federal waters, is beginning a trial of bubble curtain technology to reduce the subsea noise impact of pile-driving during installation of wind turbine foundations. . . READ MORE

Collaboration on Digitalization

Tokyo MOU reveals details of cyber attack 

2023-05-10- The Tokyo MOU, an inter-governmental cooperative organisation on port state control (PSC) in the Asia-Pacific region, has revealed it has been another high-profile name in shipping to have suffered a cyber attack. . . READ MORE

Sedna and OrbitMI integrate their two digital platforms

2023-05-10- SEDNA, the solution used to mitigate the challenges of traditional email platforms and transform business processes, and OrbitMI, a global provider of maritime software announced the integration of their two digital. . . READ MORE

Maritime Ransomware: Impacts and Incident Response

2023-05-10- The maritime community continues to see a rise in cybersecurity incidents. For instance, earlier this year, DNV, a Norwegian shipping classification society, suffered a ransomware attack through its ShipManager. . . READ MORE

Partner Spotlight 
SHIPPINGInsight is thrilled to welcome NAMEPA as a Gold Partner!

The North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) is a marine industry-led organization of environmental stewards preserving the marine environment by promoting sustainable marine industry best practices and educating seafarers, students and the public about the need and strategies for protecting global ocean, lake and river resources. 

For partnership and exhibiting information, please contact 

2023 Partnership Opportunities
2022 Highlights

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