The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) ended up at 1,009, which is 16 points plus since yesterday’s 993 points a very crucial “upturn” resurfacing above the 1,000 points threshold… same was though down 82 points since last Friday’s 1,091(30/06). The Wets were both down and the Dirties lost the 1,000 points threshold clocking 934 points. The Geopolitical front continues to deteriorate day by day and everything is open for despicable development all over Planet Ocean political and economical being the main issues. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly market and geopolitics recap:
The Capes’ BCI was up 43 points reaching 1,552 points since yesterday but on a weekly basis the BCI lost 152 points losing the 1,600 – 1,700 points…
The Panamaxes’ BPI gained 13 points and now reads 984 points; on a weekly basis the BPI was down 46 points – from 1,030 points on 30/06) losing the 1,000 points threshold…
Supras and Handies on a single digit loss; the BSI was down four since yesterday and now stands at 724 points; on a weekly basis same was down 25 since last week’s 749…
The BHSI lost three points and now reads 424; the weekly loss stood at minus 22 – down from 446…
An unpredictable Dry market; CAUTION…
The Wets on a falling mode; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 934 – minus 11 and 605 – minus one points since yesterday. The weekly score was a “hefty” minus 80 points from 1,014 and the loss of the 1,000 points threshold for the Dirties; the Cleans lost 15 points from 620…
An enigmatic Wet Market; Caution times two…
Maritime Tourism spearheaded by the Cruise industry seems to recover a bit…
On the Ships Sales and Purchase front, our advise is not just buy, but contract newbuildings of any kind using Alternative Sources of Energy!!
The WTI was up dangerously, the highest over a month’s period at US$ 73.86 – that’s plus US$ 2.06 since yesterday and US$ 3.22 since last week’s (30/06) when same stood at US$ 70.64. Once again we reiterate the view that the WTI should be “priced” at a maximum of US$ 49.99; end of the story. Stop pestering the international public!
The FTSE 100 was down at 7,256.94, the worse figure for over a month, that’s down 23.56 since yesterday and 274.59 since last week’s 7,531.53…
The Dow Jones come down to nearly its low level over a month (33,714.71 on 26/06) clocking 33,734.88 which is 187.38 points down since yesterday; on a weekly basis the DJ was down 672.72 from 34,407.60 on 30/06…
The NIKKEI was down at 32,388.42 which is 384.60 lower since yesterday. On a weekly basis the NIKKEI was down 800.62 points since last week’s 33,189.04.
So all in all the three main stock markets were down… Ultra Caution should be exercised…
The Euro Dollar exchange rate stood at 1,0969 – down 0,0006 from yesterday when same stood at 1,00975. On weekly basis the rate was 0,0049 up from 1,0920 on 30/06. Remind you that nearly a year ago (13/07/2022) the Euro fell below the dollar for the first time in 20 (twenty) years… CAUTION!!!
On the Geopolitical front thing couldn’t be worse:
The MIGRANTS issue deteriorates and its about to go off-hand with despicable repercussions for all all over Planet Ocean – tomorrow Acheloos TV will air our exclusive interview on the despicable and inhumane issue of MIGRANTS covering issues all over Planet Ocean’s seven seas and in particular the entire Mediterranean!
The War in Ukraine will continue, its now just over 500 days… and there is no end on sight AND we fear we shall enter 2024… pray not beyond… There is always the “unless”, but on the other hand there will be a spill over as the parameters and conditions as well situations in many nearby nations bother Russia and you never ever know… A very perplexed situation for Kremlin… CAUTION, as it seems difficult to have a just Peace… let’s hope teh Grains deal between Russia, Ukraine, UN and Turkey remains in force…
Mind the Kosovo affair as Serbs won’t back off this time, no matter the cost; ultra CAUTION should be observed.
Turkiye’s president Erdogan slowly and steadily continues after a …“pause” – following the devastating earthquakes, his despicable demands in the Easter Med, AND Central Med, Aegean and Black Sea and his demands against Cyprus on its status quo and “namings” as well as the Straits of the Dardanelles and Straits of Bosporus. Cyprus is a fully recognised state – the entire island, in the UN and EU despite its 34 centum being occupied by Turkiye since 1974 and the Tripartie – UN, EU and NATO turn a def ear… and ostracise, which one day same will cost a lot to all of them. Under which proviso president Erdogan wishes Turkiye to become one day a member of the EU and occupy part of lands of the EU…
Elswere we had trouble in the Middle East, in Jenin with excess use of force against Palestinians and it is about time both Israelis and Palestinians go for Peace or worse things can happen to both sides; enough! When you throw missiles, expect a counter attack, obviously not reaching excesses as this can backfire.
France needs internal peace following nearly five months of troubles – pension age and the death of 17-year-old Nahel; C A U T I O N!
Tough negotiations between the USA and China take place these days following respective visits by high ranking US officials – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in June and Ms Yellenm the USA’s Treasury Secreatary. Climate change is tp of the Agenda as is Taiwan… and many more issues… Watch this space..
Sudan remain in limbo. Expect more mess…
Libya, another hot spot has a future with more wild conflict to come; a deal on oil revenue is on the cards between east-Libya strongman general Haftar and Tripolis’ “official” UN regime… Too many foreign troops and mercenaries will create yet another bloodshed…
Central and South America with too many issues; don’t know from were to begin.. Ah! AND Cuba needs Russian oil from its old ally…
Australia with minor issues except the controversial Nauru detention centre, now empty but the government continues funding same…
Mind global Inflation and admit we live four years now in an unprecedented Recession; I know the truth bites…
Have a nice evening and weekend but continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates – still around, Terrorists – again still around, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean. A big THANKS to all still fighting the Coronavirus anathema – still with us, despite what politicians and their cronies say. Let us work collectively and restart Planet Ocean, now in debt over US$ 405 (four-hundredandfive) trillion!!! Let us save the Environment without any further excuses… Meantime, we are in a Recession and together with Inflation the situation will hurt all of us!!!