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Home Associations What a successful 3rd GIWA event that was on home ground

What a successful 3rd GIWA event that was on home ground

by admin
Sophia Konstantopoulou- Vilhelmsen, GIWA founder and chair welcome speech

The 3rd GIWA (Greek International Women Awards) took place an hour ago* at the Pierce Theatre within the The American College of Greece compound – a place and name of reference for nearly150 years…

Despite traffic issues and an extended time-wise event, over 300 staunch supporters, including the finalists, presenters and Sophia Konstantopoulou- Vilhelmsen’s team, remained at a special purpose open air “atrium” to eat and drink in honor the Finalists and conversely the Winners for just over 15 categories covering the entire spectrum.

The winner in the Finance category, Katerina Stathopoulou at the podium in her five minutes touching thank you speech; to her right, KPMG’s Georgia Stamatelou and to her left Katerina Gagaki

The Greek Shipping Fraternity from the main capitals of the Maritime world – Piraeus and London, was well represented in the audience, finalists, judges and winners.

DNV’s Dr. Marina Papaioannou, a judge and previous winner in the Shipping category, handing over the GIWA Award for Shipping to Eleni Lykofridi, a seafarer; to the left, the event’s presenter, the very eloquent Katerina Gagaki.

We shall revert asap we have the full write up from the organisers; watch this space!


*timewise www.allaboutshipping.co.uk is aligned with BST

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