Data is currently being collected for both the 18th annual Maritime HR Association shore-based salary survey, and the 12th Seafarer Employers’ Association deck and engine wage cost survey.
Over 150 maritime members companies participate in the surveys including some of the biggest names in the shipping industry.
The Spinnaker salary surveys are the biggest their kind in the shipping industry.
The Maritime HR Association collects data for 21 job families, including Chartering & Freight Trading, Technical and Marine, Safety & Quality, Commercial Operations, and the Executive Leadership team. In 2023 50,000 lines of data were included in the survey representing 94 countries!
The Seafarer Employers’ Association reports are made up of data from over 250,000 seafarers which represents 111 nationalities and 50 ranks for Deck and Engine roles.
Get in touch with the team to find out how to take part in the surveys.

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Salary Articles
Gender Pay Gap in the Maritime Industry / Seniority vs. Quantity: Nationalities Report / Employee Benefits: MHRA

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