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1. Gathering nuts in November
2. John Prescott remembered
3. Ammonia control
4. NAPA logbook
5. Fuel problems persist
6. HFW packs
7. Seafarers network
8. Decarbonisation insights
9. Shipbuilding MOU
10. Gender equality award
11. Decarbonisation uncertainty
12. Stitched ship
13. Crankcase explosions
14. Hydrographic report
15. Ballast water
16. Transaid
Notices & Miscellany
Readers’ responses to our articles are very welcome and, where suitable, will be reproduced. Write to: contactus@themaritimeadvocate.com

1. Gathering nuts in November
By Michael Grey
As the thousands of sleep-deprived delegates to the latest edition of the COP Saga clambered aboard their aircraft last weekend to burn their way through the atmosphere back to their respective homelands, the real world was getting on with saving the planet. The latest huge windfarm in the North Sea off the Belgian coast was being planned, although there were some concerns being expressed by the citizens of Ostend, who pointed out that access to their port was going to be seriously inhibited by the gigantic array. Doubtless they will be sharply told not to make a fuss, as more important issues need to predominate and there are plenty of alternatives up and down the coast.
As those who operate ships for a living are constantly reminded – sacrifices need to be made in the vital cause of saving the planet. Some selfish navigators have already pointed out that what with the ever-expanding areas reserved for offshore wind turbines, special nature reserves and a complex mesh of undersea cables and pipelines, where anchoring is no longer possible, there is not a great deal of sea left. They had better keep such remarks, at such variance to the climate of our times, to themselves.
There was exciting news from Norway, which was suggesting that its new oil and gas discoveries (Norway has not decided, unlike the UK government, to grovel to the “Just Stop Oil” brigade) would be exploited in a wholly green fashion. And even more encouragement came from an announcement to the effect that two new ships were to be built with “fossilfree” steel. Maybe they are not exactly behemoths – some 300 tonnes of this new wonder material, made from recycled steel entirely with clean electricity and welded up with biogas, will be fashioned into the pair of workboats, but it is an illustration as to what might be possible.
Perhaps shipbuilding will become an industry that will be fawned over by environmental activists as a sort of green exemplar, rather than being blackguarded by their nose-ringed friends. From little acorns ……. It would be surprising, however, if some of these startling initiatives to make the maritime world a more sustainable place, did not get off on the wrong foot. A clever scheme to replace dirty old fossil fuel with a tremendously green bio-alternative seems to have come to a somewhat sad conclusion with warnings issued in Singapore and Rotterdam that the use of a biofuel made of waste cashew nut shells should be discontinued. Although this stuff seemed to tick all the boxes in the shape of CO2 emissions and the engine room smelling, if not of roses, a well-run health food emporium, time and experience has found a rather less pleasurable outcome.
According to the official warning to those who might be tempted to use these vegan alternatives, it produces fuel sludging, choked-up injectors, blocked filters, filthy deposits and worse still, it also appears to cause corrosion. The estimable Editor of the G.Captain website got in first with his headline “Nut Allergy”, for which he deserves congratulations. But the question arises about why these problems were not discovered before ship operators were persuaded to pour this exciting new green fuel into their bunker tanks and set off to sea? It is not the first time that the use of biofuels has been found to do harm to ships or their machinery. A consignment of biofuel caused all sorts of trouble to a fleet of small ships in New Zealand some years ago, while far wider alarm was occasioned with growth of various organisms in aircraft fuel tanks.
You just have to wish that those so desperate to show themselves at the forefront of sustainability ensure that there is proper research to back it all up. There is, after all a huge amount of work going into the development of alternative fuels, because the political will is firmly behind it. But perhaps they should look before they leap and ensure that nasty shocks do not emerge just when they are starting to congratulate themselves for their sustainability.
Michael Grey is former editor of Lloyd’s List.

2. John Prescott remembered
The recent death of former UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott brings to mind his influential support of a series of measures designed to assist the British shipping industry and which have largely been ignored in the mainstream obituaries writes Michael Grey.
After a series of Conservative shipping minister peers showed a distinct lack of interest in reversing the catastrophic implosion of the industry, Prescott will be remembered for his sponsorship of what might be termed a proper national shipping policy. At the end of 1998, “British Shipping – Charting a New Course” was published to set out the Blair government’s strategy for reviving a fast-declining maritime sector, through the increase of skills, encouraging employment, making the industry more attractive to investors and capitalising on environmental benefit. He also went on to use his considerable weight to see introduced a tonnage tax system, alongside a cadet training element, that had been fiercely resisted by the Treasury for several years. Was any of it a success? Tonnage Tax revived a moribund training sector.
Its recognition of what London did for international shipping led eventually to the emergence of Maritime London. He deserves credit for trying, for actually understanding the shipping industry that was his first employer, in a way that other ministers signally failed to do. He tried to lead the shipping industry horse to water, but ultimately it failed to drink, leaving other nations to carry the lion’s share of UK goods.

3. Ammonia control
In light of the evolving regulatory landscape for ammonia as a maritime fuel, and the recent finalisation of the IMO’s draft interim guidelines on ammonia, the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has announced the withdrawal of Unified Requirement UR H1, “Control of Ammonia Releases in Ammonia Fuelled Vessels”, ahead of its scheduled implementation date of 01 January 2025. This decision ensures alignment with the IMO guidelines and creates a clearer regulatory environment as ammonia use expands within the maritime sector.
The decision to withdraw UR H1 stems from the differences between its safety parameters and those outlined in the IMO Interim Guidelines. The IMO Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers, at its 10th session, finalised the draft interim guidelines for the safety of ships using ammonia as fuel, with a view to approval by MSC 109. These guidelines include several differences from IACS’s original UR H1 requirements. The IMO Interim Guidelines establish a 220 ppm threshold for acute exposure, without defining a hazardous concentration, and require preventing direct ammonia release during normal and controllable abnormal scenarios, which may exclude releases from leakages. Toxic areas have been defined, requiring gas dispersion analysis to demonstrate concentrations do not exceed 220 ppm in key locations. An ammonia release mitigation system is required to maintain outlet concentrations below 110 ppm, with alarms for exceedances. Additionally, alarms must activate at 110 ppm with system shutdown at 220 ppm, while a visual indication is required at 25 ppm near entrances to affected enclosed spaces. These differences could potentially lead to confusion within the maritime industry.
To ensure consistency and reduce the potential for conflicting interpretations, IACS has decided to withdraw UR H1 with a view to publishing a revised version that aligns with the IMO guidelines. The revised UR, to be published in 2025, will provide a consistent regulatory framework for the safe adoption of ammonia and will provide the necessary safety framework for ammonia-fuelled vessels while aligning with best practices and international guidelines.

4. NAPA logbook
Anthony Veder, a leading gas shipping company, has strengthened its partnership with NAPA, a global provider of maritime software and data services, to expand the use of electronic logbook solutions and ease regulatory reporting.
The joint project between the two companies introduces the functionality of voyage reporting, helping Anthony Veder streamline onboard data collection and fulfil increasingly complex environmental regulatory requirements, thereby contributing to shipping meeting its net zero target.
With the new voyage reporting functionality, NAPA Logbook reduces the administrative burden of regulatory compliance and covers the monitoring systems EU-MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification), and the IMO-DCS (Data Collection System). The digital platform enables the integration of logbooks with regulatory reporting; data is automatically shared with shoreside teams, via NAPA Fleet Intelligence, as well as with the verifier, in this case DNV Emission Connect, in near real-time. With type approval from DNV, the platform goes beyond normal electronic logbook systems and can submit data for verification to DNV, as well as other relevant stakeholders in the supply and emissions chain, in a format that meets all requirements. This provides end-to-end compliance support, removes duplication of work and offers invaluable time savings for crew which would otherwise not be possible.
With the initial success of NAPA Logbook across Anthony Veder’s fleet, the company is ramping up digitalization to ease seafarer workload, boost morale, and reduce the margin for error. Since 2023, NAPA Logbook has already cut 2000 administrative hours per vessel – a 14% reduction.
Digital tools can help reduce the administrative workload onboard, and contribute to the accuracy of reporting, which is becoming increasingly important with regulations like the EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime.
Björn van de Weerdhof, Commercial and Sustainability Director at Anthony Veder, said: “Being compliant with regulatory reporting is important but is becoming more and more complex. Without digitization and automation this would be increasing time spent by our seafaring colleagues. By partnering with NAPA, integrating their digital logbook, and through digital solutions and automated entries, we significantly reduced the administrative burden on board so our seafarers can focus on their core duties: operating our vessels in a safe, sustainable, and efficient way for our customers.”
Tommi Vihavainen, Director, Development, NAPA Safety Solutions, added: “We recognize that crew are already stretched thin, and new regulations only add to this challenge by diverting precious time from primary responsibilities. Digitalization of paper-based processes, using tools like NAPA Logbook, can streamline onboard data collection and reporting to minimize duplication of work, ensure regulatory compliance, meet sustainability goals, and, ultimately, contribute to creating a more satisfying work environment. We are proud of the positive impact we’ve been able to create for Anthony Veder in such a short amount of time and look forward to continuing our partnership.”
The global maritime industry, and seafarers in particular, are grappling with new ways of working to support shipping’s decarbonization transition. A recent survey by the International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) revealed that 54% of seafarers reported an increase in their workloads, 44% said they are feeling higher levels of stress and 33% fear potential criminalization due to complex reporting requirements.
Digital, integrated solutions like NAPA Logbook, through NAPA Fleet Intelligence, allow teams to tackle these issues by doubling down on automation, thereby minimizing errors and saving time, and offering a holistic approach to operational safety and efficiency. By enabling data to be exchanged between systems, teams can enhance situational awareness and make better-informed decisions on critical operational matters and regulatory compliance, with greater speed and accuracy, as the platform also gives a centralized data overview.

5. Fuel problems persist
As the fifth anniversary of the IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap approaches, fuel compatibility and viscosity problems continue to result in marine engine component damage and high cat fines.
“We expected fuel incompatibility problems and high levels of cat fines to diminish with the introduction of the IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap [MARPOL Annex VI] in January 2020. But despite new fuels and advanced engine technologies, problems persist. Cat fines remain a major problem for marine engine operators,” said Matthias Winkler, Managing Director of CM Technologies (CMT).
Catalytic fines are the byproduct of catalysts used in the fuel refining process. It is the accumulation of these very hard, abrasive aluminium and silicon particles that can severely damage cylinder liners, fuel injection valves, piston crowns and rings, potentially damaging the engine beyond repair.
Winkler said cat fines levels are exceeding ISO8217:2017 specifications in fuel being bunkered in some areas, including the ARA region. But more common is that accumulated cat fines in tank sediments are being dispersed back into the tank and engine during operations, particularly in rough seas.
With higher viscosity IFO 380cst or IFO 180cst fuels, cat fines tend to be suspended in the denser liquid and are removed more easily by fuel separators. Low sulphur fuels have an average viscosity of 105cst, though it can be as low as 10cst. And this is resulting in cat fines sinking to the settling tank, where they can often go undetected.
“Engine builders recommend no more than 10ppm of cat fines in the fuel before it enters the engine, in reality, it is about 30ppm but sediment levels are much higher,” Winkler said.
While some ship operators are opting for additives that can improve Total Sediment Potential (TSP), sediment tests have shown samples significantly exceeding the maximum cat fines limit of 0.10%.
Historically, more frequent use of fuel separators was the best way of removing cat fines from HFO before the fuel enters the engine, but with LSF “cat fines content before the fuel oil separators and consequently before entering the engine is usually unknown,” said Winkler.CMT also found that, since January 2020, more paraffinic blends are being used but there is incompatibility between an aromatic and a paraffinic fuel, which can lead to fuel degradation and instability.
David Fuhlbrügge, CMT’s Operations Manager, added: “Mixing two types of fuels increases the risk of incompatibility, particularly when mixing heavy fuel and low sulphur distillate fuels. This can result in clogged fuel filters, separators and fuel injection pumps, all of which can lead to loss of power or even shut down of the propulsion plant, putting the ship at risk.
CMT is also seeing increasing levels of asphaltene, another consequence of fuel blending, and which also results in increased sediment formation. And although the rate of sediment formation is not easily predicted (it changes with conditions such as temperature and storage time) it is resulting in an increase in fuel system blockages.
Aside from the manual removal of sludge from tanks, which is both time-consuming and costly, CMT advocates more frequent monitoring of the fuel for compatibility. “Our Electronic Compatibility Tester can save operators from the costly consequences of having an incompatible fuel mix in the tank,” said Fuhlbrügge. Measuring the actual accumulated concentration of cat fines meanwhile has until now been largely impossible., according to the company.
In a significant development for LSF users, CMT has introduced a test kit that allows crews to quickly and easily determine the cat fines content of fuel during and after bunkering, and before injection. The CMT Cat Fines II Test Kit not only helps protect the engine and its component parts against excessive wear, but it also helps verify the efficiency of the fuel treatment plant – separators, fuel filters and settling tanks.
Winkler said: “Engines running on low sulphur fuels are at an elevated risk of damage, but we can now measure cat fines and verify the quality, grade and compatibility of the fuel delivered, detecting potential fuel and engine problems before they happen.”

6. HFW packs
Brian Perrott of law firm Holman Fenwick Willian has highlighted two new HFW packs that the law firm will publish early in 2025. With two leading barristers HFW has set sail to produce a pack on Hedging (and its impact on loss recovery) and the likely commercial landscape of Trade Tariffs.
Being maritime and trade lawyers HFW has blended its experience to ensure that readers are well versed on some of the legal issues that will likely occupy their inboxes.
One question is perhaps: Can you hedge the risk of tariffs?
The new packs will be available in the New Year. Contact HFW for more information.

7. Seafarers’ Network
The maritime industry is on the verge of a new era in connectivity with the launch of The Hood, a social platform built with the mission: to unite seafarers, their families, and maritime professionals into one inclusive community.
The Hood aims to capture the spirit of family and mutual support. Members can job hunt, chat with colleagues, or share ideas and experiences with ease—no matter where in the world they are.
The vision behind The Hood began when Josephine Le, Founder and Managing Director, first entered the maritime industry and recognised its uniqueness. She observed how challenging life at sea can be, especially for those away from home for long stretches, and saw the need for a space where maritime professionals could truly connect and support each other. After extensive research to understand the industry’s needs, she set up The Hood as a platform designed specifically to address these challenges.
“I remember first joining the industry and feeling an immediate sense of community, but I also saw the isolation seafarers experience and some outdated recruitment practices” she says.. “The Hood was born out of a desire for connection and dependability. Even in the ever-evolving chaos like the current social media landscape, it speaks to our natural tendency to gravitate towards any kind of link to real connections and how these digital anchors can become the bedrock of a real community”.
“Our goal is simple but powerful: to build a community where strangers become family, and where members feel truly supported and empowered. Whether you’re just starting out or have spent years at sea, The Hood is here to help you connect, share, and belong.”
Starting with a dual social/professional profile feature, the platform will offer a free Career Hub page for users, ability to store and share CV and documents directly, dedicated online centres for wellbeing support, e-learning, news section, and a coming soon e-shop—resources that speak directly to the community’s unique needs.
To sign up visit: https://www.the-hood.com/.

8. Decarbonisation insights
KR (Korean Register) has released analysis of Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) ratings across its fleet in the fall edition of KR Decarbonization Magazine, offering crucial insights for maritime companies navigating the industry’s green transition.
First launched in 2022, the KR Decarbonization Magazine is a quarterly publication designed to provide clients with timely insights into decarbonization strategies. The magazine aims to assist the maritime sector in navigating increasingly stringent greenhouse gas regulations introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Union (EU).
The latest issue provides an in-depth analysis of CII ratings across KR-classed vessels, revealing industry-wide decarbonization trends. It also includes a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge advancements in liquefied hydrogen carriers.
The issue features an exclusive interview with HD Hyundai Heavy Industries’ Executive Vice President RHEE Sangkee on the development of ammonia-powered vessels. RHEE outlines the significant technical advances in ammonia engine development, safety protocols, and exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. His insights provide shipping companies with essential guidance on ammonia’s viability as a marine fuel, including key considerations for vessel operations, current development milestones, and future implementation timelines. The interview offers valuable perspectives for maritime stakeholders considering ammonia-powered solutions as part of their decarbonization strategy.
SONG Kanghyun, Head of KR’s Decarbonization and Ship R&D Center, commented, “With the IMO’s mid-term measures advancing rapidly, as seen at the 28th MEPC meeting, the time has come for the industry to adopt practical and actionable strategies. KR remains committed to supporting the maritime industry in addressing the decarbonization challenges through proactive and innovative approaches.”
The full magazine is available on the dedicated KR Decarbonization Magazine website (http://kr-decarbonization.co.kr) or through the KR official website (https://www.krs.co.kr).

9. Shipbuilding MOU
Strategic Marine (Strategic), Mirai Ships (Mirai), and Ragnar Energy Solutions (RES) have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a framework for exclusive newbuild collaborations, marking a significant milestone in global shipbuilding partnerships.
This strategic partnership combines the strengths of three industry leaders:: Mirai Ships., an established shipbuilding yard in Japan; Strategic Marine, a renowned builder of high-performance aluminium vessels for the offshore energy sector; and Ragnar Energy Solutions, a trusted provider of engineering, project management and marketing support for Mirai’s projects outside Japan.
The MOU sets out the terms for exclusive collaboration on the design and construction of Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs), a predominant asset utilised during the operational and maintenance phase of offshore wind farm operations, together with a supporting role during the construction phases of the offshore wind farm. These vessels are intended to serve Japan’s growing offshore energy market, leveraging local construction expertise and cutting-edge engineering solutions. The collaboration aims to deliver vessels tailored to Japanese offshore market demands while maintaining the highest standards of quality, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
The signing also signifies a unified approach towards NetZero goals established globally and supports Japan in its track towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030.

10. Gender equality award
Karin Orsel, co-founder and CEO of the MF Shipping Group based in the Netherlands, has been selected to receive the 2025 IMO Gender Equality Award.
The Award is bestowed on individuals who have made significant contributions to advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in the maritime sector.
The IMO Council endorsed Orsel as next year’s recipient during its 133rd session held in London from 18 to 22 November 2024. The ceremony to present the Award will take place in May 2025, alongside celebrations for the International Day for Women in Maritime (18 May).
Orsel began working in the industry aged 18 and co-founded the MF Shipping Group aged 23. The ship management company has since grown from managing just six ships, to a fleet of more than 55 vessels with over 1,000 seafaring crew members and 80 office staff.
She previously served as President of the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA International) and WISTA The Netherlands, in addition to being a member of the board of key maritime bodies, including the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) and the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR).
She currently serves as President of the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) and Chair of the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), leveraging her positions to advocate for gender equality, seafarer welfare and sustainability measures in the industry.
Letters of Commendation
The Council decided to award Letters of Commendation to the following nominees, to highlight their dedication to women’s empowerment through best practices and various initiatives across the globe:
Flavia Takafashi, nominated by Brazil for her role as Director of the Brazilian National Agency (Antaq) and her contributions to the adoption of policies and initiatives to ensure that gender considerations were integrated into Antaq’s regulatory framework. Her vocal advocacy for matters of diversity and inclusion, her support of quality education to help empower women and her role modelling have significantly contributed to the achievement of a more inclusive and equitable environment in an industry traditionally dominated by men.
Chunpei Zhan, nominated by China for her achievement as the country’s first female captain of an ocean-going official vessel, her advocacy work to promote the establishment of a mechanism to secure equal employment opportunities on ships for female maritime graduates in China, and her engagement with young children in schools to promote maritime careers and a passion for the sector.
Katy Ware, nominated by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), for her commitment to championing diversity throughout her career and her impressive leadership, promoting positive change within her teams to ensure a safe workplace, with diversity of thought and gender balance, as well as her mentoring of women within the United Kingdom and other delegations, to provide them with the skills and personal confidence to take up leading roles in IMO’s work. Ms. Ware was Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the IMO from 2011 to 2024.
Elvia Adelina Bustavino Cedeño, nominated by Panama, for the initiatives she spearheaded during her roles as Deputy Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority, member of the Governing Council and subsequent President of the Network of Women of the Maritime Authorities of Latin America (MAMLa), including the creation of the “Coffee with MAMLa” events and the modification of the regulations of the Panama International Maritime University’s scholarship programme, to guarantee gender parity in the awarding of scholarships.
Jung Min, nominated by the Republic of Korea, for the important role she played in the establishment of the Women in Maritime Association Korea (WIMA Korea) and her subsequent work as the Vice-President of the Association, as well as her efforts to implement a three-month global maritime competency enhancement training programme for female trainees who found it challenging to secure onboard employment despite holding certificates of competence. Jung supported their subsequent employment as third officers or higher on international merchant vessels.

11. Decarbonisation uncertainty
A qualitative survey conducted by design and engineering consultancy, Houlder, has highlighted that uncertainty is perceived by shipowners as hindering shipping’s energy transition.
Many ship owners recognised an ‘uncertainty dilemma’ – where decarbonisation choices remain highly uncertain, but that with tightening environmental regulations doing nothing is not an option, so they must try to navigate through the fog of decarbonisation and change course if needed.
From the UK to the US and beyond, 2024 has been a bumper year for elections, with voters heading to the polls in at least 64 countries. Some ship owners interviewed mentioned keeping a close eye on how the 47th US president influences their sustainability strategy before making new decarbonisation decisions, while others cited a lack of clarity from the transport departments they collaborate with as delaying progress.
“What’s the definition of domestic shipping going to be, what are the exclusions, inclusions, are they going to do a phased in approach like the EU has… they’ve just got no answers to any of it at the moment,” remarked one passenger ship owner.
Despite uncertainty at a governmental level, interviewees did recognise more certainty at a regulatory level. This is a positive development since the Houlder team last conducted this qualitative survey and workshop with the same set of large and small shipowners from across the container, tanker, bulk, cruise and ferry sectors two years ago.
Views on the EU’s ETS (Emissions Trading System) varied from owner-to-owner. Smaller owners generally saw the ETS becoming increasingly impactful, while larger shipowners tended to feel the EU ETS was already “priced in” to plans but that it is useful as a referenceable price for carbon that can be put into day-to-day operations and business cases.
While many owners were unable to delve into their strategies for FuelEU Maritime, or more likely unwilling to overshare with their competitive aims in mind, the consensus was that they were taking it much more seriously than some other regulations right now. Non-compliance with FuelEU Maritime will mean fines much higher than those incurred from the EU ETS, with a penalty of €2,400 per tonne VLFSO energy equivalent.
“ETS is not a particularly big deal. It’s small penalties compared to FuelEU. What it [FuelEU] has done is shocked businesses into realising the penalties they are going to have to pay if they don’t act on energy efficiency…and then eventually future fuels,” said once respondent. ‘From an R&D point of view, these have helped secure support and budget,’ they continued.
Speaking about the survey, CEO of Houlder, Rupert Hare said: “We can’t let uncertainty become an alibi for inaction on decarbonisation, so we undertook this research to understand better how the wider industry can support shipowners in rising to the challenge. Based on recent conversations and developments it’s clear to us that, in shipping and the energy transition, uncertainty is certain and the industry has to find a coping mechanism.
“Hardly headline news, but with incoming regulations such as FuelEU Maritime, owners are running out of time. They need to accurately simulate scenarios on vessels with information available today to enable informed decision making now – while you can’t be absolutely certain of what’s ahead, you can take useful action to alleviate the anxiety. Surrounded by fog, you’d slow to a crawl without aids to navigation.”
Jonathan Strachan, Chief Technical Officer, added: “We believe 100% certainty is neither possible nor necessary for shipowners to navigate the decarbonisation maze. In fact, those who wait for a perfect route to reveal itself will be left behind. What the leading shipowners are already doing is starting the journey now with the help of partners, remaining agile to change tack if they need to, and keeping well-informed to understand all the possible technological pathways available to them.”
Two years after its previous interviews, Houlder ‘checked in’ with senior executives from ship-owning companies on key sustainable shipping topics including verified clean technology performance data, how the environmental regulatory landscape has changed, and barriers to the scaling of green alternative fuels. Uncertainty materialised as a clear recurring theme and ‘red thread’ when discussing all of those topics.
12. Stitched ship project
In an endeavour to celebrate and revive India’s ancient maritime legacy, the Stitched Ship Project is recreating a 4th-century common era vessel using traditional shipbuilding techniques. The initiative, led by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Indian Navy, M/s Hodi Innovations, and other stakeholders, draws inspiration from historical references such as Ajanta murals and ancient texts.
This project embodies India’s long-standing connection to maritime trade and innovation. Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) has played a critical role in this project by ensuring that the reconstructed ship conforms with modern safety and design standards. While maintaining historical authenticity, the vessel’s design has been refined to comply with appropriate stability and strength requirements for the intended sea voyage.
The ship is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in 2025. Once finished, it will embark on a historic voyage retracing ancient trade routes, including a significant journey to Bali, celebrating the legacy of India’s cultural and economic exchange with Southeast Asia.
“This project is a tribute to the ingenuity of India’s ancient shipbuilders and their significant contributions to global maritime history,” said H V Ramesh, Divisional Head Plan Approval Centre, IRS. “We take pride in contributing to this historic reconstruction, ensuring the preservation of its traditional essence while upholding modern standards.”
The Stitched Ship Project exemplifies India’s commitment to preserving its maritime heritage while fostering contemporary innovation. The project was a collaboration between multiple ministries and experts from diverse fields, blending tradition with modernity.
13. Crankcase explosions
As the industry shifts towards alternative fuels in response to environmental regulations and sustainability goals, the safety risks associated with these fuels cannot be overlooked. Crankcase explosions, a critical hazard in engine operation, becomes even more concerning in the context of gas and low flashpoint fuels. To address this issue, and as part of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) commitment to assisting the industry to decarbonise safely, IACS has published the latest edition of Unified Requirement (UR) M10, which introduces new safety requirements to protect internal combustion engines from crankcase explosions.
The revised URM10, specifically designed for engines running on gas or low flashpoint fuels, addresses the unique challenges posed by these fuel types thereby ensuring that safety measures keep pace with evolving technologies and thus safeguarding maritime operations.
Revision 5 of UR M10 builds on key exisiting safety standards essential for protecting against crankcase explosions. These include the requirements for crankcases to be constructed to withstand the internal pressures generated by potential explosions. For engines with a crankcase volume exceeding 0.6 m³, additional explosion relief valves are required to safely manage the excess pressure. Furthermore, a crankcase explosion relief valve must be in compliance with type testing procedures stipulated in IACS UR M66, as incorporated in IACS Members Rules, ensuring they meet the unified technical requirements fit for safety purposes, designed to safeguard against explosions.
This new edition of UR M10 was achieved through extensive collaboration with key industry stakeholders, including engine manufacturers. This cooperative effort ensures that the new guidelines are not only effective but also practical and feasible for real-world application, reflecting the latest technological advancements in engineering practices and safety protocols.
In this latest edition, IACS has also introduced the following improvements to address the safety requirements specific to engines fuelled by gas or low flashpoint fuels:
Airflow Requirements: Technical conditions for the external airflow into the crankcase have been specified for engines fuelled with gas or low flashpoint fuels, ensuring operational safety.
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): The revised UR M10 now defines the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) for gas, fuel vapors, or mixtures in the crankcase, contributing to enhanced safety measures.
Crankcase Pressure Control: To prevent interference with critical safety devices, such as oil mist detection systems during forced extraction of the crankcase atmosphere.
Safety Evaluation: Engines fueled by gas or low flashpoint fuels must undergo a comprehensive safety evaluation to ensure gas concentrations remain below the LEL or that explosion risks are duly mitigated.
Explosion Risk Mitigation: Predefined measures for reducing the risk of crankcase explosions have been introduced, ensuring greater protection against potential hazards.
Engine Bearing Monitors: Engine bearing temperature monitors or equivalent devices are now classified as essential safety components.
Comprehensive Documentation: Documentation detailing the effectiveness of the safety measures to prevent explosive conditions is to be provided by manufacturers and designers.
Commenting on the revised UR, IACS Secretary General, Robert Ashdown, said
“As the industry continues to adopt alternative fuels, IACS remains committed to advancing maritime safety standards. By introducing enhanced safety requirements tailored to modern engines and different fuel types, URM10 ensures that the industry remains equipped to mitigate the risk of explosions, while adapting to the introduction of sustainable fuels.”
Stakeholders are encouraged to review these changes and update their safety practices accordingly.
14. Hydrographic report
The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has launched a new report, created by maritime technology research company, Thetius, exploring the five key steps to supporting the successful adoption of the International Hydrographic Organization’s (IHO) S-100 data framework.
The report – based on the findings of a comprehensive maritime research project – highlights the need for cross-industry collaboration, communication and effective training to support its adoption. It also explores the need for revised safety management and communication infrastructure systems, and tactful preparation for a ‘dual-fuel’ model system to equip the industry with the knowledge and processes needed ahead of the transition.
While new S-100 standards are set to support the maritime industry with some of its most pressing challenges: decarbonisation, cyber security, safety and efficiency, there are challenges to adoption that must be addressed. ‘New Waters: How the S-100 data framework will shape e-navigation’ aims to support industry professionals by providing context and insight on S-100 and its role in the next generation of digital navigation solutions.
S-100 has been developed by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) as a universal data framework that will enrich and enhance the way maritime data is collected, shared and utilised. This is set to replace the less modern S-57 performance standard, which currently underpins Electronic Navigational Charts in use today.
The report delves into the limitations of S-57 in an increasingly connected maritime industry; for example, the barriers to integration with wider data sets, the lack of granularity of data in complex areas, and the constraints to supporting emerging technologies like autonomous vessels. These gaps emphasise the need for a more advanced data framework to meet the evolving demands of modern navigation.
The S-100 framework aims to address these challenges, but the report highlights that steps are required for a smooth adoption. Overcoming technical, operational and organisational hurdles will involve updating digital infrastructures, training personnel to manage new systems, and ensuring data accuracy and consistency. S-100 offers advancements in interoperability, data standardisation and cybersecurity, as well as improved data exchange, real-time streaming, and integration of dynamic data – all designed to enhance navigation efficiency and safety.
The report is based on comprehensive research undertaken by research firm, Thetius, following detailed discussions with a variety of representatives from across the maritime industry. Thetius supports a wide range of maritime industry leaders in providing research and insight to inform strategic technology decisions, and works with industry operators, technology suppliers and investors.
Following this research, the report makes five key recommendations:
• Foster collaboration and communication
Ensuring stakeholders across the industry are working together will be necessary to ensure consistency and interoperability of the data and systems.
• Consider new training modules
Dynamic training modules will be critical in the successful introduction of S-100 to ensure maritime professionals are working with systems they can understand and implement effectively.
• Revise safety management system (SMS)
SMS practices will need to be updated to ensure they align with these new data standards, ensuring secure data exchange in maritime environments.
• Invest in VHF Data Exchange Systems (VDEs) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite connectivity
Industry stakeholders should consider how and when to invest in communication infrastructure, to ensure their vessels are ready for S-100 products.
• Prepare and plan for the dual-fuel ECDIS period
During this transition phase, stakeholders must ensure their systems can handle both S-57 and S-100 data formats.
The report is being launched alongside a dedicated Admiralty webinar, Shaping the Future of Navigation with S-100, offering further insights and discussions on S-100’s transformative impact. The full report can be viewed here.
15. Ballast water
Over 30% of all installed ballast water treatment systems fail Port State Control D-2 compliance inspections despite 95% of systems having successfully passed commissioning tests.
Information submitted by Global TestNet to the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee MEPC82, which took place in October 2024, revealed that 29% to 44% of operational systems are failing to remove invasive species in the >50µm range, with more than 100 organisms of this size routinely found in every 1m3 of treated water.
The D-2 standard of the BWM Convention, which entered fully into force on 8 September, requires ships to discharge ballast water with fewer than 10 viable organisms per 1m3 that are at least 50µm in size.
Global TestNet – an association of testing organisations set up in 2010 under the GloBallast Partnership – also reported instances where more organisms were found in discharged water than in inlet water.According to the findings, the most common reasons for non-compliance were contamination of the ballast water tank from mixing treated and untreated waters or improperly opening/closing valves; organism regrowth due to insufficient and infrequent cleaning of the ballast water tanks; and human error due to insufficient system knowledge, maintenance, and training.
“These results show that even if a vessel with a type-approved ballast water treatment system passes initial commissioning tests, the BWM system alone cannot assure against non-compliance,” said Charlène Ceresola, BIO-UV Group’s BWT Project Manager, who is currently participating in the BWM Convention Review as a Member of the French Delegation to the IMO Ballast Water Review Group.
“When a BWMS is properly installed, a high efficacy in removing organisms is achieved (99,9%) but IMO MEPC reports have acknowledged that this efficacy may not be sufficient to constantly meet the D-2 discharge standard. Compliance tests often fail due to the presence of organisms in the tank or water contamination. If operators do not fully understand the impacts of Ballast Water Management on board, and if bypassing cleaning procedures for ballast tanks occurs frequently, non-compliance will be unavoidable,” she stated.
The most frequent deficiencies reported by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State control also related to poor ballast water record book-keeping, inadequate crew training, system unfamiliarity, and invalid or missing certificates.
Of the 907 ballast water non-compliance deficiencies reported by the Paris MoU in 2023, 760 related to record-keeping and administration (58%), BWTS system and system knowledge (16%), and certification (16.9%), resulting in 33 ship detention. This year to date, 505 ballast water management deficiencies have been reported, resulting in 17 ship detentions.
Regarding the record-keeping and reporting to administrations, BIO-UV Group is now advising ship operators that IMO has updated Appendix II of the BWM Convention (form of BWRB) to clarify entries to be recorded.
“We are encouraging BIO-SEA system operators to refer to the new guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting (due to enter into force on 1 February 2025), published in BWM.2/Circ. 80 to safeguard against port delays and detentions,” said Ceresola. “While there remains a two-year grace period for treatment performance issues, ships can still be delayed for poor administration.
Maintenance and crew training are also areas where ships can be detained. “There is certainly a need for strengthening maintenance and system knowledge, and this will be part of the package of amendments IMO is preparing. Shipowners want their systems to be in good working order but how do you ensure this once the manufacturer has installed the system and left the ship, or is no longer in the market?
“Fit and forget is certainly not a BIO-UV Group policy, of course,” she added. “But there is agreement amongst ship operators and regulators that routine compliance checks are required. It is essential to assess whether systems efficiently prevent harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens from being discharged into the oceans.”
The IMO’s Convention Review Plan for the BWMS experience-building phase aims to address the 13 priority issues identified at MEPC80. The amendments package is expected to be completed by the end of 2026, with implementation taking place 12 to 18 months afterwards. The primary focus areas include BTWS maintenance, crew training, and addressing challenging water conditions.
16. Transaid
Transaid, a UK-based international development charity, focuses on improving road safety and accessibility in Africa by enhancing transport systems, including road feeder services that are crucial to the efficient movement of air cargoes to and from the continent’s ports and airports, and professional driver training. A key aspect of its work involves training Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) drivers, addressing a significant gap in both road safety and logistics across the continent.
Road transport is vital for economic development in Africa, as it connects communities, facilitates trade, and ensures the distribution of goods. However, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa face challenges related to road safety, infrastructure, and the shortage of well-trained drivers. The lack of adequate driver training often leads to higher rates of road accidents, many of which involve large commercial vehicles. Poorly maintained roads, combined with under-qualified drivers, contribute to these alarming statistics.
Transaid’s mission is to tackle these issues head-on by improving the quality of HGV driver training and promoting safer driving practices. Its work not only enhances road safety but also contributes to building more reliable road feeder services, which are essential for last-mile delivery in rural and underserved areas.
One of Transaid’s core projects is the professional training of HGV drivers in various African countries, particularly in Zambia, Uganda, and Tanzania. In partnership with governments, local training institutions, and logistics companies, Transaid has established comprehensive HGV driver training centres. These centres aim to improve the skills of new drivers and upskill existing ones to ensure they meet professional standards for handling large vehicles safely and efficiently.
Transaid’s training programmes cover a broad range of skills, from basic vehicle handling to advanced defensive driving techniques. The curriculum is designed to be practical and context-specific, addressing the particular challenges of driving in African environments. This includes navigating poorly maintained roads, operating vehicles under difficult weather conditions, and ensuring vehicle safety through routine checks and maintenance. The focus on defensive driving helps drivers anticipate and respond to potential hazards, reducing the risk of accidents.
A significant portion of the training also includes understanding legal requirements, such as adherence to speed limits, load restrictions, and the importance of rest breaks. These lessons are crucial in a region where long driving hours and overloaded vehicles are common causes of accidents.
In addition to the technical skills, Transaid emphasises the importance of health and safety, including awareness of conditions like fatigue, which can impair driving abilities. Drivers are trained to recognise the signs of fatigue and encouraged to adopt healthier practices, such as proper sleep schedules and regular health checks, which are particularly important in regions with high incidences of diseases like malaria.
The direct impact of Transaid’s driver training programmes on road safety is significant. By improving the competency of HGV drivers, Transaid helps to reduce the number of accidents involving large vehicles. This is crucial in sub-Saharan Africa, where road traffic fatalities are a leading cause of death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Africa has the highest road traffic death rates globally, and poorly trained drivers are a key contributor to this problem.
Transaid’s work with local authorities ensures that trained drivers are aware of and comply with local traffic laws. This reduces instances of dangerous driving, including speeding, aggressive overtaking, and improper use of vehicle lights, all of which are common causes of road accidents. Better-trained drivers also contribute to more efficient vehicle operation, which reduces wear and tear on both the vehicles and the road infrastructure, indirectly enhancing the overall safety and longevity of transport networks.
Road feeder services, which connect smaller towns and rural areas to major transport hubs, are a critical part of the logistics network in Africa. These services ensure that goods, especially agricultural products, can be transported from remote areas to urban markets, supporting both local economies and food security.
By training HGV drivers to operate safely and efficiently, Transaid plays a crucial role in improving these feeder services. Well-trained drivers are able to navigate challenging terrains, ensure timely deliveries, and minimise the risk of vehicle breakdowns, which can delay critical supply chains. This reliability is particularly important in areas where access to alternative transportation is limited.
Transaid’s approach to HGV driver training provides long-term benefits beyond immediate road safety improvements. By building local capacity, it helps to create a sustainable system where local training institutions can continue to produce skilled drivers even after Transaid’s involvement ends. This ensures that the improvements in road safety and transport efficiency are enduring.
Additionally, by increasing the number of professionally trained HGV drivers, Transaid supports the broader logistics industry, which is vital for economic development. Efficient transportation networks enable businesses to grow, reduce the costs of goods, and improve access to essential services like healthcare and education.
Transaid’s work in training HGV drivers is a critical component of improving road safety and transport systems in Africa. Through its focused efforts, the organisation is not only reducing road accidents but also enhancing the reliability and efficiency of road feeder services, which are essential for connecting remote communities to larger markets and essential services. By supporting local drivers and building sustainable training systems, Transaid contributes to long-term development across the continent.
Notices and Miscellany
DNV energy transition summit
This virtual event will look at the latest developments related to alternative fuels and energy efficiency measures in the maritime industry. The online event takes place on February 6, 2025 at 13.00 – 15.45 CET. For details see the DNV website.
Maritime Labour Convention
The latest updates to the ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention will come into effect on 23 December 2024. Ratifying countries are mandated to comply with these new regulations.
Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention can be purchased from the ICS Publications website . The new regulations are marked with a star so readers can easily find what’s new and includes practical guidance on how to comply on board and support crew welfare.
The fourth edition is priced at £155.00. For the full contents list, foreword and more details, visit the ICS Publications website.
Safety Day
UK Chamber of Shipping ‘Safety Day’ is on December 4 at Watson Farley Williams’ London office. The Safety Day will mark the fact that the National Maritime Occupational Health and Safety Committee (NMOHSC) has held 100 meetings and provides an opportunity to hear from the new Maritime Minister Mike Kane MP. This event also enables the Chamber to showcase some of the work it is engaged in with the aim of improving safety and will allow members to air their own views on what the Chamber – by itself and in partnership with the trade unions – and the Government can do that would deliver most effectively for the members.
Noise Guide
The International Chamber of Shipping and BIMCO has produced the first edition of the Underwater Radiated Noise Guide. The guide is priced at £180. For the full contents list, foreword and more details, visit the ICS Publications website.
Please notify the Editor of your appointments, promotions, new office openings and other important happenings: contactus@themaritimeadvocate.com
And finally,
With thanks to Paul Dixon
A survey of personnel executives at 200 of the Fortune 1,000 companies provided the following unbelievable but true examples of job applicant behavior.
“The reason the candidate was taking so long to respond to a question became apparent when he began to snore.”
“When I asked the candidate to give a good example of the organizational skills she was boasting about, she said she was proud of her ability to pack her suitcase ‘real neat’ for her vacations.”
“Why did (the applicant) go to college?” His reply: “To party and socialize.”
“When I gave him my business card at the beginning of the interview, he immediately crumpled it and tossed it in the wastebasket.”
“I received a resume and letter that said that the recent high-school graduate wanted to earn $25 an hour-‘and not a nickel less.'”
“(The applicant) had arranged for a pizza to be delivered to my office during a lunch-hour interview. I asked him not to eat it until later.”
“(The applicant) said she had just graduated cum laude, but she had no idea what cum laude meant. However, she was proud of her grade point average. It was 2.1.”
“(The applicant) insisted on telling me that he wasn’t afraid of hard work. But insisted on adding he was afraid of horses and didn’t like jazz, modern art, or seafood.”
“She actually showed up for an interview during the summer wearing a bathing suit. She said she didn’t think I’d mind.”
“He sat down opposite me, made himself comfortable, and proceeded to put his foot up on my desk.”
“The interview had gone well, until he told me that he and his friends wore my company’s clothing whenever they could. I had to tell him that we manufactured office products, not sportswear.”
“(The applicant) applied for a customer service position, although, as he confided, he really wasn’t a people person.”
“Without asking if I minded, he casually lit a cigar and then tossed the match onto my carpet-and couldn’t understand why I was upset.”
“On the phone, I had asked the candidate to bring his resume and a couple of references. He arrived with the resume-and two people.
Thanks for Reading the Maritime Advocate online
Maritime Advocate Online is a fortnightly digest of news and views on the maritime industries, with particular reference to legal issues and dispute resolution. It is published to over 20,000 individual subscribers each edition and republished within firms and organisations all over the maritime world. It is the largest publication of its kind. We estimate it goes to around 60,000 readers in over 120 countries.
Editor: Sandra Speares | Email: contactus@themaritimeadvocate.com