Dear friends and colleagues,
We are about to start a new semester and wish you a great and productive New Year. We also attach a link to our 2024 CHS Newsletter: https://21in21.co.uk/news/ . Below follows a list of the January through March 2025 events as they currently stand. Please note that a few starting times had to be adjusted.
*20 January 2025, CHS-BSA, starting 15:00 UK time (online) or 17:00 Greek time: ‘Poetry between Languages: Writing and Translating Poetry in English and Greek’. Book launch of David Ricks’s newly published poetry collection With Signs Following (Reading: Two Rivers Press 2024, with an epilogue by A.E. Stallings). The speakers at this hybrid panel session, hosted by the British School at Athens, will be Dionysis Kapsalis, Nasos Vayenas, Athina Voyiatzoglou, and A.E. Stallings. Professor Sir Roderick Beaton will chair the session. To learn more, see here:
Hybrid event
To attend in-person in Athens, please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/poetry-between-languages-writing-and-translating-poetry-in-english-greek-tickets-1143837551909?aff=oddtdtcreator&_gl=1*uk1jm7*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTUzODA3MzA1LjE3MzY0MTQ0NTk.*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTczNjQxNDQ1OS4xLjAuMTczNjQxNDQ1OS4wLjAuMA..
To attend online via webinar, please register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vTKncZvLSa6dvuUsqnjqWg#/registration
*27 January 2025, Great Hall, 13:00-16:00: A discussion on gender divides, coordinated by King’s colleague Georgios Samaras and ETERON.
Register here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/a-discussion-on-the-gender-divide-tickets-197288

*6 February 2025, Great Hall, starting at 18:00: Annual Runciman Lecture: The 34th lecture in the series will be given by Professor Josephine C. Quinn (Oxford), on ‘Anarchism, Democracy, and the Greek City’. To be preceded by Orthodox Vespers at the King’s Chapel (17:15).
Register here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/34th-runciman-lecture-prof-jo-quinn-tickets-196145
*12 February 2025, Great Hall, at 18:00: Philip Mansel, lecture on ‘The second Phanar: Constantinople Greeks and Ottoman Sultans, from 1821 to 1919’ (with the Anglo-Hellenic League and the Levantine Heritage Foundation).
Register at either link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-second-phanar-constantinople-greeks-and-ottoman-sultans-1821-1914-tickets-1112960186879?aff=oddtdtcreator
*13 March 2025, Council Room, 18:30: Dr Catia Galatariotou will give the 7th Niki Marangou Memorial Lecture, on ‘Reality and Truth in the Writings of Niki Marangou’.
Register here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/7th-niki-marangou-memorial-lecture-dr-cati-tickets-196148
You can also sign up here: https://21in21.co.uk/events/
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in the next weeks.
Gonda Van Steen
More Information, see link below:
The full range of 21in21 events are available on our events website.
The CHS website is available here.