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Hot port News from GAC

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Lake Charles, United States
Beaumont/Port Arthur/Orange/Lake Charles, United States
Corpus Christi, United States
Hong Kong
Calcasieu Waterway, United States
Mississippi River, United States
Port conditions returning to normal
Friday, September 1, 2017, Lake Charles, United States
The Port of Lake Charles advises all conditions normal, and they are standing down from Safe Harbor. Ship movements started at 0300 yesterday (31 August).

An updated Marine Safety Information Bulletin has been approved removing the restriction for deep-laden ship movements with tug escorts.  All movements must still be approved by the MSU prior to scheduling a pilot. It is expected that after completion of the channel surveys that the deep draft restriction will be rescinded and the ship channel will return to normal operations.

Tropical Storm Harvey continues moving off to the northeast, and all tropical and marine related watches and advisories have been cancelled for the Texas coast. There will, however, be continued hazards from moderate to strong currents in the rivers and bayous for several days or weeks.

The ICWW is fully open and the locks are all working through to New Orleans. At Mile Marker 230 on the Intracoastal Waterway, the Grand Lake Bridge has reopened.

Lake Charles Pilots confirm that traffic is moving well since the port’s reopening.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

Sea Port Condition Recovery set
Friday, September 1, 2017, Beaumont/Port Arthur/Orange/Lake Charles, United States
The Captain of the Port (COPT), Port Arthur, has set Port Condition Recovery for the ports of Beaumont, TX; Port Arthur, TX; Orange, TX; and Lake Charles, LA, including all tributaries and connecting waterways effective at 10:00amon August 31, 2017.

Restrictions on vessel movements within these port complexes will be managed by the Captain of the Port and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Port Arthur. Initial restrictions are based on visual waterway and “aids-to-navigation” (ATON) assessments conducted by Coast Guard and other public and private assets. Vessel movement restrictions will be evaluated and updated regularly as additional surveys are conducted. Extreme currents require the implementation of navigation restrictions.

The following restrictions are in effect on the Sabine-Neches Waterway:

  1. Vessels greater than 500 gross (GT) are limited to daylight hours only.
  2. A draft restriction of 30-feet for all waters of the Sabine-Neches Waterway.
  3. Inland towing vessels (push boats) shall ensure they have sufficient horsepower for the tow configuration given the reported currents. Tows greater than 800-feet are discouraged until currents subside.
  4. Oversize tow permits for loaded tows greater than 750-feet by 70-feet will not be issued until current conditions subside.
  5. Due to extreme currents, no meeting or overtaking between the Veteran’s / Rainbow Bridge and the West Port Arthur Hwy 87 Bridge. VTS Port Arthur will coordinate arrival at intersections with each vessel. Confirm approval before proceeding beyond your ability to hold position.
  6. Due to extreme currents at the West Port Arthur Hwy 87 Bridge, the following restrictions apply:
    a. Westbound tows greater than 1 loaded large will require prior VTS approval before transiting through the West Port Arthur Hwy 87 Bridge.
    b. Eastbound tows shall obtain VTS permission before transiting through the bridge to ensure sufficient spacing for ship channel traffic.
  7. All commercial vessels operating in the Port Arthur VTS Area are designated VTS Users. All VTS User movements shall be reported to VTS Port Arthur at least 15-minutes prior to sailing on channels 01A or 65A VHF-FM or by phone to (409) 719-5070.

Mariners are reminded to proceed with extreme caution. Available post-storm assessments indicate severe currents and hazards (debris) on the entire Sabine-Neches Waterway. Mariners are directed to report all wrecks, obstructions, oil spills, ATON discrepancies or other hazardous conditions to VTS Port Arthur.

Reports and questions may be directed as follows:

  1. For the Sabine-Neches Waterway: (409) 719-5070 or “Port Arthur Traffic” on VHF-FM 01A / 65A
  2. For the Calcasieu Waterway: (337) 912-0073.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Unit Port Arthur, Texas, Marine Safety Information Bulletin 13-17 issued August 31, 2017 – 10:00AM

Port open with restrictions
Friday, September 1, 2017, Corpus Christi, United States
As of 1415 hours yesterday (31 August), the Port of Corpus Christi is open, with the following restrictions:

  • All vessels are restricted to a draft not to exceed 43-feet.
  • All foreign registered vessels 100 gross registered tons or larger, all domestic tank vessels 10,000 gross registered tons or larger and all domestic non-tank vessels 1,600 gross registered tons or larger must: 1) Conduct one-way transit only; 2) Have a minimum of two pilots for each transit; 3) Transit during daylight hours only.
  • The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway between mile marker 540 (Corpus Christi) east to mile marker 668 (Brownsville)

Although some channel surveys have been conducted, the Coast Guard has not completed channel surveys in all inlets, harbors, and channels to confirm safe transit. Mariners are to proceed with caution as navigational aids may be missing or off station and debris, shoaling, and hazardous substances may be present.

All other waterways of the COTP zone remains closed.

Mariners are reminded the Corpus Christi Inner Harbor security zone, 33 CFR 165.809, remains in effect during severe weather. Recreational, commercial fishing and passenger vessels are not permitted to enter the security zone without permission from the COTP. Vessels must have prearranged agreements to enter the Inner Harbor as a safe refuge.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

Tropical Depression Mawar
Friday, September 1, 2017, Hong Kong
Tropical Depression Mawar is expected to intensify and move gradually in the general direction of eastern Guangdong to the Pearl River Estuary in the next couple of days. When it takes on a more definite northerly track and edges closer to the coast of Guangdong, Hong Kong Observatory will consider issuing the Standby Signal No. 1.

The weather on Saturday and Sunday is expected to deteriorate progressively with heavy squally showers over the coast of Guangdong. Winds will also strengthen gradually.

At 010000 UTC, Tropical Depression Mawar (1716) with central pressure 998 hectopascals was centred within 90 NM of 19.6 N / 118.5 E and is forecast to be slow moving for the next 24 hours.

For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com

Port Condition Recovery set for waterway
Friday, September 1, 2017, Calcasieu Waterway, United States
The Captain of the Port (COPT), Port Arthur has set Port Condition Recovery for the Calcasieu Waterway including all tributaries and connecting waterways effective at 02.30am on August 31, 2017.

Restrictions on vessel movements within these port complexes will be managed by the Captain of the Port and Marine Safety Unit  (MSU) Lake Charles. Initial restrictions are based on visual waterway and “aids-to-navigation” (ATON) assessments conducted by Coast Guard and other public and private assets. Vessel movement restrictions will be evaluated and updated regularly as additional surveys are conducted.

The following restrictions are in effect:

  1. Vessels greater than 500 gross tons (GT) are limited to bar transit during daylight hours only and on a case-by-case basis.
  2. A draft restriction of 37-feet for all waters of the Calcasieu Ship Channel.
  3. For vessels with a draft greater than 25-feet, two escort tugs are required when transiting the bar.

Mariners are reminded to proceed with extreme caution. Available post-storm assessments indicate potential shoaling around the Calcasieu Ship Channel Bar. Mariners are directed to report all wrecks, obstructions, oil spills, ATON discrepancies or other hazardous conditions to MSU Lake Charles.

Reports and questions may be directed as follows:
For the Calcasieu Waterway: (337) 912-0073.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Unit Lake Charles, Texas, Marine Safety Information Bulletin 12-17 (LC) issued August 30, 2017 – 07:00AM

Safety zone for paddle board race
Friday, September 1, 2017, Mississippi River, United States
The US Coast Guard Captain of the Port New Orleans will establish a safety zone on the Lower Mississippi River from MM 215 to MM 230.4, AHOP, effective from 08.00am until noon tomorrow (Saturday 2 September).

This safety zone is needed to protect the persons and vessels associated with the Big River Regional Paddle Board Race. This safety zone is effective from 8:00 a.m. until noon on September 02, 2017.

During the period that the safety zone is in effect, all vessels are prohibited from entering without the permission of the Captain of the Port.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

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