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Home MarketsChartering The falling BDI@1,082 raises concerns…

The falling BDI@1,082 raises concerns…

by admin

John N. Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) begun the week with a controlled fall. Geopolitics on a turning point. John Faraclas’ daily briefing:

The BDI lost 13 points and now reads 1,082 points amid a general market fall with the Dow Jones on record losses since the crisis of 2008 and that surely will affect the markets further…

The Capers’ BCI was down 37 points bringing scepticism at 1,433…

The Panamaxes lost 20 points and now the BPI reads 1,339…

The Supras’ BSI was down seven at 865 and the Handies’ BHSI down four at 543 respectively…

The Wets with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans)  stood at 658 – minus three and 606 – plus eight points respectively…

The WTI as these lines are being written stands at US$64.10 and might fall further…

More troubles in the Geopolitical front and the economic environment looks bleak following also a bad day in Wall Street  with the Dow Jones losing nearly 1,100 points – now at 23.345… The S&P at 2,648  – minus 113 points, NASDAQ lost 273 points –  now at 6,967… The FTSE lost 108 points  – now standing at 7,334… CAUTION as volatility might cause shocks elsewhere in a not so robust world economy with incalculable repecurssions for all…

Shocks all over Planet Ocean vis-à-vis the geopolitical issues which are day by day deteriorating can cause global chaos… Recommend watching the film “The Darkest Hour” and get the message in many fronts… One issue sending a strong message is that, not just for the name of one Greece’s northern neighbours, that is to say FYROM, but for its constitutional “expectations” to claim land from Greece to be CAUTIOUS, as tsame can lead to incalculable repercurssions for World Peace. Yesterday, the Athens rally was, despite the current coalition government’s announcements playing down the numbers attending, a very strong message to all intents and purposes.

Have a nice evening and be on guard from any eventuality emanating by Pirates and Terrorists  wherever you are on Planet Ocean…

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