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Home Ports & Terminals UCL Port results

UCL Port results

by admin

Cargo throughput of UCL Holding’s stevedoring division rises 9% to 37.1 million tonnes

In 2017, terminal operators of UCL Port, a stevedoring division of UCL Holding, handled 37.1 million tonnes of cargo, which is 9% more than in 2016. Total throughput growth within the division was driven by volumes handled in the segment of dry bulk, general and containers.*

The companies of UCL Holding increased handling of dry bulk cargo by 13% to 30.6 million tonnes., while transshipment of liquid bulk cargo fell by 9% to 6.5 million tonnes.

The share of exports in total throughput grew to 86% with imports share remaining the same at 13%, or 4.8 million tonnes. Transshipment of cargo intended for coastal shipping accounted for 1% of the total throughput.

In the reporting period, the highest growth of production results was achieved in the segment of containerized cargo: +17% to 680,200 TEUs. Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg has retained the leading position among Russian container operators. In 2017, CTSP increased container handling by 15% to 643,700 TEUs. Considerable growth of container throughput was demonstrated by Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg — 60% to 33,600 TEUs.

Transshipment of dry bulk cargo grew by 15% to 12.9 million tonnes. With a strong demand for grain in export markets and record crop in Russia, grain transshipment jumped by 24% to 2.6 million tonnes at the Tuapse and Taganrog terminals of UCL Port. The growth of grain exports was also facilitated by a package of measures aimed to ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of the grain terminal in Tuapse.

Coal handling by the companies of UCL Port rose by 17% to 9.1 million tonnes. In particular, coal exports through the terminal of Port of Ust-Luga reached record high and considerable growth was demonstrated in Taganrog and Tuapse, which should be attributed to improvement of a technological process and newly commissioned handling equipment.

Transshipment of general cargo rose 5% to 9.1 million tonnes mostly due to the growing flow of ferrous metal via all multipurpose stevedoring facilities of the division: +16.1% to 6.2 million tonnes. With the two new sheltered warehouses put into operation by Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg, handling of wood pellets surged by 35% to 294,000 t.

Handling of oil products by UCL Port’s terminal operators fell 9% to 6.5 million tonnes primarily due to a reduction of the liquid bulk cargo transshipment via the facilities of Tuapse and Taganrog ports.

* Taking into account container throughput of Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg CJSC, Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg JSC and Taganrog Sea Commercial Port JSC.

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