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Home EnergyAlternative Sources of Energy Bureau Veritas, your partner for Marine Renewable Energy solutions

Bureau Veritas, your partner for Marine Renewable Energy solutions

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Veritas News offshore

Working towards a brighter future with technical Marine Renewable Energy services

Bureau Veritas Marine Renewable Energy experts can review vessel, floater, cable and turbine designs, from a basis Approval in Principle to a full class or type-certified solution…. Read more+  


“Aiming for first”, interview with EDF Energies Nouvelles

The stakes are high for EDF Energies Nouvelles’ Provence Grand Large project: when it is due to be commissioned in 2020, it may be one of the Industry’s first flaoting wind farms to be connected to the national grid… Read more+

Updated guidelines tackle floating wind challenges

To facilitate market developments, Bureau Veritas is working on updating a Guidance Note for Classification and Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (NI572)…  Read more+

OMDYN2 project launches with ambitious AIMS

In January, Bureau Veritas’ Subsea Umbilicals Risers, Flowlines & Jacket team took part in a kit-off meeting to launch France Energies Marine’s OMbilicaux, DYNamiques Phase 2 (OMDYN2)…  Read more+

“Floating to success”, interview with Principle Power

With Bureau Veritas, Prinicple Power is working on the first commercial project to use WindFloat, Les Eoliennes Flottantes du Golfe du Lion, developed by a consortium made up of ENGIE, EDPR and Caisse des dépôts … Read more+

Working towards tidal power curve certification

Bureau Veritas participates actively in the International Electrotechnical Commission’s (IEC) Technical Committee TC 114 for the development of international technical specifications in EIC62600 series for wave, tidal and other water energy converters… Read more+

MAC strengthens MRE capabilities

Bureau Veritas’ acquisition of MAC in 2016 reinforces Bureau Veritas’ offshore marine assurance and consulting capabilities, particularly in dynamic positioning and marine warranty services… Read more+

Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore

8 cours du Triangle, 92937 Paris La Défense Cedex, France

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