March 5, 2019 – Carleen Lyden Walker, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the North American Marine Environmental Protection Association (NAMEPA), announced today that Ecochlor Inc. has become a member of NAMEPA. Ecochlor’s recruitment to NAMEPA demonstrates their passion to preserve our oceans.
“NAMEPA is proud to welcome Ecochlor as a member and as a steward of our seas,” remarked NAMEPA’s Walker. “The innovation and dedication they offer to the industry provides a testimony to all those concerned with the well-being of our oceans.”
Ecochlor, a leader in the ballast water treatment industry, utilizes a filtration and chlorine dioxide treatment technology. The system’s effectiveness isn’t impaired by variations in salinity, temperature, turbidity, organics, and vibration. No re-treatment or neutralization is necessary at discharge. The system meets or exceeds the most demanding IMO and USCG regulations.
As a manufacturer of ballast water management systems, Ecochlor is dedicated to keeping our coastal ecosystems free from invasive species. NAMEPA’s goal of ‘preserving the marine environment’ closely aligns with our mission to conserve waters around the world, particularly since our chlorine dioxide technology is especially environmentally-friendly compared to other BWMS technologies,” said Steve Candito, Ecochlor’s CEO.