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Home HREvents, Conferences,Forums and Symposiums Portugal Transport Day, Brussels 8 October 2019 (Portugal Transport Day, Brussels 8 October 2019)

Portugal Transport Day, Brussels 8 October 2019 (Portugal Transport Day, Brussels 8 October 2019)

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Portugal Transport Day, Brussels 8 October 2019 (Portugal Transport Day, Brussels 8 October 2019)

Portugal Transport Infoday 

Date: October 8 (10: 00-13: 00)
Location: Brussels (Auditorium to be confirmed)

The National Innovation Agency (NIA) andMagellan – European Affairs Consultancy organize, on 8 October in Brussels (auditorium to be confirmed), the Portugal Transport Day , an event that aims to give voice to the Portuguese authorities in the debate on the future research and innovation in the transport sector in Europe and toestablish contacts, share experiences, capture trends and clarify any issues arising from the H2020 transport InfoDay(October 7) in order to contribute to the strategic positioning of the national authorities for calls 2020.

8 October 2019

Registration is free but mandatory


Aware that funding opportunities are not exhausted in Horizon 2020, will be explored synergies with other funding programs in the area of transport (Connecting Europe Facility, Shift2Rail, FCH-JU, Urban Actions, Clean Sky, among others). In addition there will also be the structure of the future program Horizon Europe, as well as its priority lines in the themes of mobility, energy and environment. This event will also serve to launch – with the objective of a strong mobilization of national stakeholders – the TRA in 2022 in Lisbon. Finally, there will be a moment ofnetworking among the participants through a coffee break.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Portugal Transport Day aims to maximize efforts and gather the Portuguese community on the day following Horizon 2020 Transport Information Day (October 7), organized by the European Commission, whose registration can be done at the following link.Registration is open and the number of places is limited, and it is recommended to make your registration as soon as possible.


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