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Hot Port News from GAC

by admin

GAC-smallYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* United Kingdom, Immingham – Jetty available due to repairs
* Hong Kong, Hong Kong – Construction of Hong Kong Boundary Crossing
* Singapore, Singapore – Repairs at OIltanking Terminal Jetty No.3
* Australia, Melbourne – New port charges price schedule
* Australia, all ports – Pilotage fee increase
* Australia, Melbourne – Pilotage rates set to rise

DATE: May 31, 2013
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
PORT: Immingham
Jetty available due to repairs

Approximately 14 metres of damage to the rope guard was sustained at
Immingham’s South Killingholme Jetty (SKJ) during the sailing of a ship
this morning. The Jetty will be unavailable from 1100 to 1700 tomorrow (1
June) to allow essential repairs to be carried out.

The repairs will be of a temporary nature, but will allow the berth to be
used safely until permanent repairs can be affected.

In addition, if time allows, an attempt will be made to complete the ladder
works that were originally scheduled for last week (postponed due to bad

For information about operations in the UK contact GAC UK at uk@gac.com

DATE: May 31, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: Hong Kong
Construction of Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities

For approximately 24 months, reclamation, stone column installation and
seawall construction works will be carried out [to the East of Hong Kong
International Airport] within the area bounded by straight lines joining
the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (S) and the adjacent
(A) 22º 18.907’N 113º 56.581’E
(B) 22º 18.936’N 113º 56.734’E
(C) 22º 19.163’N 113º 56.839’E
(D) 22º 19.344’N 113º 56.862’E
(E) 22º 19.435’N 113º 56.951’E
(F) 22º 19.740’N 113º 57.248’E
(G) 22º 19.675’N 113º 57.486’E
(H) 22º 19.525’N 113º 58.035’E
(I) 22º 19.421’N 113º 58.100’E
(J) 22º 19.059’N 113º 57.985’E
(K) 22º 18.899’N 113º 57.813’E
(L) 22º 18.758’N 113º 57.768’E
(M) 22º 18.498’N 113º 57.489’E
(N) 22º 18.516’N 113º 57.401’E
(O) 22º 18.425’N 113º 57.304’E
(P) 22º 18.446’N 113º 57.201’E
(Q) 22º 18.657’N 113º 56.719’E
(R) 22º 18.639’N 113º 56.663’E
(S) 22º 18.680’N 113º 56.403’E

Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark
the boundary of the works area at co-ordinates (B) to (S).

Silt curtains, extending from the sea surface to the seabed, will be
established around the boundary of the works area. The silt curtain is a
large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments. Yellow markers
fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the extent of the
silt curtains.

The works will be carried out from a flotilla of vessels including trailer
suction hopper dredgers, barges, dumb steel lighters, grab dredgers, tugs
and construction vessels at various stages. The number of vessels engaged
in the works will change from time to time to suit operational

A working area of approximately 50 metres will be established around each
working vessel. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will
be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the working

The hours of work will be round-the-clock.

Vessels engaged in the works will display signals as prescribed in
international and local regulations.

A specified channel with a width of minimum 120 metres will be established
between the Hong Kong International Airport and the works area. It will
allow vessels with valid permits approaching to and from the Sky Pier basin
to trespass upon the southeast corner of the Airport Approach Area No.3.
The specified channel will be temporarily marked by lateral light buoys and
their particulars are as follows:

Name :BCF 1
Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22º 19.819’N / 113º 56.855’E
Shape: Pillar
Colour: Green
Light Characteristics: Fl. G. 6s
Top Mark: Single Green Cone
Radar Reflector: Fitted

Name: BCF 3
Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22º 19.340’N / 113º 56.785’E
Shape: Pillar
Colour: Green
Light Characteristics: Fl (2) G. 10s
Top Mark: Single Green Cone
Radar Reflector: Fitted

Name: BCF 5
Position (WGS 84 Datum) : 22º 19.187’N / 113º 56.773’E
Shape: Pillar
Colour: Green
Light Characteristics: Fl. G. 2s
Top Mark: Single Green Cone
Radar Reflector: Fitted

Name: BCF 2
Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22º 19.482’N / 113º 56.977’E
Shape: Pillar
Colour: Red
Light Characteristics: Fl. R. 6s
Top Mark: Single Red Can
Radar Reflector: Fitted

Two yellow marker buoys will be temporarily established near the “Weather
4” buoy to mark the eastern edge of the Airport Approach Area No.3 and
their particulars are as follows:

Name RW20
Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22º 19.636’N / 113º 56.921’E
Shape: Pillar
Colour: Yellow
Light Characteristics: Fl. Y
Top Mark: Single Yellow Cross

Name: RW21
Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22º 19.614’N / 113º 56.929’E
Shape: Pillar
Colour: Yellow
Light Characteristics: Fl. Y
Top Mark: Single Yellow Cross

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep
clear at slow speed, bearing in mind there are stone column installation
works at the boundary of the works area.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.67 of 2013

DATE: May 31, 2013
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Repairs at OIltanking Terminal Jetty No.3

Repair works are being carried out until 28 June 2013 at the Oiltanking
Terminal Jetty No.3 at Jurong Island.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s Port Marine
Notice No.74 of 2013, the works will be conducted  within the working area
24 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – within the area
bounded by the following co-ordinates(WGS 84 Datum):
1) 01° 16.739’N / 103° 44.243’E
2) 01° 16.727’N / 103° 44.231’E
3) 01° 16.774’N / 103° 44.183’E
4) 01° 16.786’N / 103° 44.195’E

Repair of the jetty will entail replacement of existing jetty platform
corner fenders and installation of bollards. Crane barge will be deployed
for the transportation of construction materials. Marine surveys will be
carried out on completion of construction works.

Safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity to warn other craft to keep
clear of the working area.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and
international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
a) keep well clear and not to enter the working area;
b) maintain a proper lookout;
c) proceed at a safe speed & navigate with caution;
d) maintain a listening watch on appropriate VHF Channel 25;
e) Communicate with Pasir Panjang control on VHF Channel 25 for assistance,
if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

DATE: May 31, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Melbourne
New port charges price schedule

The Port of Portland Pty Ltd has finalised its 2013/14 price schedule for
its main port charges and services, to come into effect from 1 July 2013.

The changes are summarised as follows:
– Tonnage and Berth Hire charges increased by 5.3%
– Wharfage charges increased by 4.9%
– Towage charges increased by 4.9%
– Pilotage charges increased by 4.5%
– Mooring charges increased by 4.8%

The fuel surcharge per tug engaged will be retained and will continue to be
subject to a quarterly review.

The Port of Portland Pty Ltd has finalised its 2013/14 price schedule for
its main port charges and services, to come into effect from 1 July 2013.

The new charges are posted on the port’s website at

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

DATE: May 31, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: all ports
Pilotage fee increase

A general increase of 4% will apply to pilotage fees, pilotage delay fees
and pilotage cancellation fees for all ships visiting Queensland ports from
1 July 2013.

For further details and information about operations in Australia contact
GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

DATE: May 31, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Melbourne
Pilotage rates set to rise

Pilotage Rates in Melbourne and Geelong will increase by 3% from 1 July. At
Western Port (Hastings) the rates will rise by 10% with effect from the
same date.

Further, the minimum ETD notice for booking pilot now increased to three
(3) hours. If the order changes within that 3-hour window, cancellation
will be charged.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

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