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by John Faraclas

John Faraclas

My first “encounter” with Afghanistan took place during my first year in Anargyrios and Corgialenios College of Spetses in 1964 – 1965 during a speech delivered at the English Club by one of our English teachers, Mr. R. Thompson. It left me with many questions and prompted me to study this country given also the success there by Alexander The Great who occupied that region / country in 17 and a half days and nights following relentless attacks…

A very much global wealth of culture nation that was, is now at best somewhere hidden or demolished in Afghanistan despite thousands of years in mess… and the latest 30 years of paranoia… But will the Taliban respect culture and history as, what we have witnessed, seen and what happened to many monuments on how they suffered from the ISIS… pauses a serious question…

In “modern” times and in particular the last 125 we had the unjust border drawn by the British in 1893 running through the middle of the Pashtun tribal belt – which no Afghany regime accepts, the ten years of Soviet efforts to acquire an important geopolitical hub / stronghold leading possibly in the fall of Pakistan, thus bringing Soviet Union at the coast line between Iran and India, and then twenty years of America’s and its allies mighty, pinning down the US in its longest foreign expedition / war. Not to add the attempts by India and Iran to influence this country…

As you have seen and read, in our daily shipping’s market reporting we mention on the Geopolitics section the MIGRANTS and the faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucasus down to the Horn of Africa. With the childish and despicable evacuation that takes place right now we wonder whom the spin doctors want to influence? AND above all what is at stake there… Too many morons around… Add the fact that Afghanistan is the base of the biggest hard core cartel for drugs by far from all others put together, and see what you get…

The fall of the Afghani Army is just a few hours – this is the reality, tells a lot, particularly when three billion dollars were spend to organise and arm same…

Wonder how one can deal with the Taliban especially the way they behave with women – their atrocities are a big study for all criminologists and democratic free thinking and practising people. Wonder what women all over Planet Ocean think or everything is a hype… I guess that WISTA-International spearheading diversity can act and save women there. The UN MUST make or break !!!!

On another note, wonder if the blond, blue-eyed Afghans descended from Alexander the Great’s soldiers? I am determined to find out as did Matthew Leeming. Nothing can escape science. After all, Chromosomes is a Greek word.

NB. the above was written in August as a note reply to a friend student, eminent lawyer and academic. There will be an appropriate write up to put the record straight on Afghanistan and its …”offspring” Afghaniscam.

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