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Home NewsConferences, Seminars, Forums WISTA AGM and Conference 2023

WISTA AGM and Conference 2023

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Latin American Shipping and Trading: Towards an Inclusive, Greener and Digital Future  

This year’s WISTA International AGM & Conference will be celebrated in October in Montevideo, the beautiful capital city of Uruguay. The conference will focus on the key shipping and trading activities that make Latin America such an essential piece of the global economic jigsaw. But it will also examine shipping’s journey towards a greener, more digitalised future, both within Latin America and beyond.

WISTA is a membership organisation of 56 countries with approximately 4,000 managers and leaders within the maritime, trading, and logistics industries. Connecting us all is an ambition to create positive change, and to be an empowering force for inclusion and diversity. WISTA has an unparallel reach, unique collective insight and a vivid ambition to make a difference.

The theme of this year’s conference emphasises the urgent need for industry leaders to come together to address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Your support is vital for WISTA International to continue its mission of fostering collaboration, innovation, and empowerment among maritime, trading, and logistics professionals.

We look forward to meeting you in Montevideo!


Sponsorship Opportunities

Don’t miss the opportunity to join WISTA International in leading the vital conversations that need to be had. By sponsoring the WISTA International AGM & Conference, your company can play a crucial role in promoting inclusiveness and diversity in the industry. Your sponsorship will demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility, further strengthening your position as a forward-thinking organization that values positive change.


For further information on how you can become involved in this exciting event, please phone +44 1295 814455 or email Llewellyn Bankes-Hughes Lbh@petrospot.com

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