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Home NewsBreaking News The Hellenic Shipyards – Skaramanga yard mess continues…

The Hellenic Shipyards – Skaramanga yard mess continues…

by admin
TRIP OVER FROM ELV TO 17062012 030

At the centre left the Hellenic Shipyards docks can be easily seen empty – photo courtesy John Faraclas

As you read these lines, the dockers of the Hellenic Shipyards – Skaramanga yard (Triena Union) are demonstrating – bringing traffic  havoc in the streets of Athens, heading towards the Ministry of Development hoping to meet there Kostis Haztidakis the current minister there, demanding their 20, yes twenty months back pay, owed to them!

As we have numerous times written in our reports and analysis on this matter, as well as on live televised interviews, all those responsible for this total mess must seat here and now on the dock, the dock of justice! The rest is pure nonsense.

We reiterate our view that this scandal, the scandal of the Hellenic Shipyards (Skaramanga Yard) et al, is by far the biggest scandal in Greece and Europe, not to mention the world! We bet on this and provoke any greek administration to go here and now live on TV and then the Greeks will now, Europe will understand and feel shame and the world at large will understand “others” involvement too!

Going back to “recent”… history, almost nineteen years ago in it the annual Magazine on Greece, July 1995, Lloyd’s List had a prophetic article on page 13, “Sold  down the river”, demonsatrting “the failure to provide a policy for medernising facilities or contract-related production aid amounts to a betrayal of the shipyards by central government”; a four page report worth obtaining to see who is to blame! Watch this space!


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