l to r: Iris Vamvaka, Natassa Giannaka, Chrysa Kitsou, Andrew Dyer, Maria Moisidou, Electra Panayotopoulos, Panagiotis Anastasakis.
Hill Dickinson was both pleased and proud to hold their first ever Charity Rowing Competition at the picturesque ‘Mikrolimano’ in Kastella, next door to the port of Piraeus on 27th May 2014. The event was attended by the shipping community who enthusiastically took up the gauntlet thrown down by Hill Dickinson to compete in the rowing event, either by putting together a team of up to 8 people or in volunteering and forming part of a team put together by Hill Dickinson.
The event lasted throughout the afternoon with 6 teams taking part in two heats and the fastest two teams then going head to head in the final. The atmosphere was very friendly although the competitive spirit was there, with each team putting in its best effort to try to secure a place in the final. The final was between the American Club and Thomas Miller teams, with Thomas Miller ultimately prevailing and taking the winners cup. The rowing competition then moved into the second more relaxing stage of food and drink and simply looking out at the sea waves rather than rowing against them! The competition was not simply good fun and we managed to raise Euros 1, 100 for two very worthy causes: the Greek branch of the Médecins du Monde (http://mdmgreece.gr/) who have become an essential part of Greek reality by providing open polyclinics, shelter for the homeless and medical and humanitarian support for those in need in Greece and Ark of the World (http://kivotostoukosmou.org/)