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Home HRAnniversaries New Nautical Institute President challenges members and branches

New Nautical Institute President challenges members and branches

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Robert McCabe

Robert McCabe

18.06.14 – On his election yesterday as President of The Nautical Institute, Captain Robert McCabe FNI issued a challenge to members and branches to evaluate their contribution to the Institute as a “responsible and independent voice for the maritime industry, selflessly dedicated to delivering the highest standards in the profession. What truly matters is that the spark that made you and others become a member is fanned to become a beacon for others and for our industry.”

In his inaugural address at the Institute’s Annual General Meeting held in Sydney, Australia, Captain McCabe pointed out change and continuous improvement at the Institute meant that the building blocks of NGO status at IMO, revised membership criteria and the new governance structure were in place for preparation of the Institute’s Strategic Plan for 2016-2020. The President’s questionnaire will be issued in 2015 and he encouraged members and branches to start discussing what the priorities should be for the following five years. “This is your opportunity to influence the strategic direction of the Institute into the next decade. We need your energy, experience and guidance to determine the priorities and in delivering the plan.”

He commented on new opportunities opening up for the Institute to increase its reach and extend promotion of best practice. The LinkedIn Group has nearly 10, 000 members (of which 25% are Institute members); funding for hardcopy print and distribution for a year of The Navigator to every SOLAS ship, nautical college and seafarer centre – again, members and branches can help in getting this publication to those it is aimed at.

Captain McCabe is Director of Operations and Navigation Services at the Commissioners of Irish Lights (CIL) and takes over the two-year Presidency from Captain Sivaraman Krishnamurthi FNI. He joined CIL in 1985 and has held his present position since 2012. His time at CIL has included extensive participation in change leadership teams and in re-profiling the service to take account of e-Navigation.

He gained his Class 1 Master Mariner Foreign Going Certificate of Competency in 1986, having worked for Irish Shipping since 1973.

A career-long member of The Nautical Institute, he joined as a student in 1976 and was the first winner of the Luddeke Prize for the best Command Diploma papers in 1991. He has served as Chairman of the Institute’s Technical Committee, Secretary and Chairman of the Ireland Branch and is currently a member of the IMO Committee and Chairman of the Assurance Committee. A member of the Institute’s governing council, a Fellow and Vice-President, he was elected as Senior Vice-President in 2012.

The 2014 AGM elected Captain David (Duke) Snider FNI of Canada as Senior Vice-President.

N.B.: The AGM was held in conjunction with the first in the series of the Institute’s Command Seminars, with the theme of Navigational Competence. Further seminars will be held in London on 16 October, Cyprus on 7 November, Glasgow on 10 November and Manila on 28-29 November.

The Nautical Institute is the international professional body for qualified seafarers and others with an interest in nautical matters. It provides a wide range of services to enhance the professional standing and knowledge of members who are drawn from all sectors of the maritime world. Founded in 1972, it has over 40 branches worldwide and some 7, 000 members in over 110 countries.

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