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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Government announces new oil prices
July 30, 2014, Yemen, all ports

The Yemeni Government has today (30 July) announced new oil prices, as follows:

Product Old Price/Litre New Price/Litre


– Old price per litre: YR 200

– New price per litre: YR 125


– Old price per litre: YR 100

– New price per litre: YR 195

For information about operations in Yemen, contact GAC Yemen at yemen@gac.com

Water pipeline laying between Tai Kwai Wan, Cheung Chau & Ha So Pai, Lantau Island
July 30, 2014, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For approximately 3 months, marine works involving drilling of a pilot hole, laying of submarine concrete blocks and tracking cables including diving operations will be carried out in the following areas:


This area is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline:

(A) 22º 12.877’N / 114º 01.508’E

(B) 22º 13.056’N / 114º 01.346’E

(C) 22º 13.124’N / 114º 01.432’E

(D) 22º 12.973’N / 114º 01.569’E


This area is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (E) to (H) and the adjacent shoreline:

(E) 22º 13.562’N / 114º 01.052’E

(F) 22º 13.511’N / 114º 01.111’E

(G) 22º 13.466’N / 114º 01.061’E

(H) 22º 13.532’N / 114º 01.013’E

The works will be carried out by one derrick barge and one wooden boat. Some tugs and some work boats will provide assistance. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 50 metres will be established around each working vessel. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights and radar reflectors will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the working vessels.

Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be attached to the concrete blocks laid on the seabed at approximately 50 metres intervals to indicate the positions of the concrete blocks. Each concrete block is a 0.21 metre height pyramid shape structure with a square base of 0.5 metre by 0.5 metre.

Upon completion of the drilling of the pilot hole, the submarine tracking cables together with those concrete blocks will be removed from the works areas.

The hours of work will be from 0800 hours to 1800 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works will stay in the works areas outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep clear at slow speed, bearing in mind there are divers working in the areas.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.94 of 2014 dated 28 July 2014

Dredging in Kwai Tsing Container Basin
July 30, 2014, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For approximately 18 months, dredging operations will be carried out [in Kwai Tsing Container Basin] within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (J):

(A) 22 deg. 20.893’N / 114 deg. 07.176’E

(B) 22 deg. 20.263’N / 114 deg. 07.389’E

(C) 22 deg. 20.270’N / 114 deg. 07.415’E

(D) 22 deg. 20.152’N / 114 deg. 07.456’E

(E) 22 deg. 20.144’N / 114 deg. 07.429’E

(F) 22 deg. 19.682’N / 114 deg. 07.586’E

(G) 22 deg. 19.369’N / 114 deg. 07.260’E

(H) 22 deg. 19.652’N / 114 deg. 06.904’E

(I) 22 deg. 19.852’N / 114 deg. 07.086’E

(J) 22 deg. 20.776’N / 114 deg. 06.773’E

The works will be carried out by a grab dredger. A tug and two self-propelled split-hopper barges will assist in the works. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 100 metres by 100 metres around the grab dredger will be established.

The hours of work will be round-the-clock.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.95 of 2014 dated 29 July 2014

Six-day maintenance shut down
July 30, 2014, Australia, Port Kembla

There will be a six-day outbound shutdown for maintenance at Port Kembla Coal Terminal from 0700 tomorrow (31 July) to 1900 on Tueasday 5 August.

During this period there will be no vessel loading operations or receivals at the terminal.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Changes to port depths
July 30, 2014, Australia, Townsville

Townsville Regional Harbour Master has advised the Navigational Depths for Townsville Port have changed with immediate effect.

The Sea Channel depth is now 11.50m and the Platypus Channel depth is now 10.50m. Any vessels with a draft over 9.20m will result in tidal window calculations.

The amended actual depths in metres are as below:

– Outer Harbour (Arrival Channel): 6.1

– Outer Harbour (Departure Channel): 9.8*

– Sea Channel: 11.5*

– Platypus Channel: 10.5*

– Harbour: 11.3*

– No.1 Berth Pocket: 11.6*

– No.2 Berth Pocket: 11.8*

– No.3 Berth Pocket: 11.4

– No.4 Berth Pocket: 10.1*

– No.7 Berth Pocket: 11.6*

– Between No.7 * No.8: 12.6 (seaward of zero mark at No.7)

– No.8 Berth Pocket: 13.0*

– No.9 Berth Pocket: 10.9*

– Between No.9 & No.10: 7.3 (seaward of zero mark at No.10)

– No.10 Berth Pocket: 11.2*

– No.11 Berth Pocket: 9.8*

– Ross River Channel: 2.2 (entrance to beacon No.6)

– Ross River: no declared depth upstream of Beacon No.6

– Ross Creek: no declared depth

(* Revised entry)

For information about operations in Australia, please contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Customs house strike announced
July 30, 2014, Argentina, all ports

A strike has been announced at Argentina’s Customs houses between the hours of 1100 and 2400 tomorrow (31 July) and on Friday (1 August).

For operations on Friday 1 August from 0000 to 0600 hours, overtime must be ordered before 0800 hours local time on Thursday.

For operations from 0000 hours on Saturday 2 August until 0600 hours on Monday (4 August), overtime should be ordered before 0600 hours on Friday.

For information about operations in Argentina, and elsewhere in the Americas, contact the GAC USA Hub Agency Centre at hub.us@gac.com


GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
Market Price Updates 30/07/14

	COUNTRY          	180 CST	380 CST	MGO	        MDO	
	Aberdeen           	0	0	921.00  	0	
	Aden            	755.00	680.00	1, 100.00	0	
	Alexandria             	755.00	655.00	1, 175.00	0	
	Amsterdam             	608.00	578.00	891.00     	0	
	Antwerp            	604.00	574.00	882.00    	0	
	Aqaba            	0	720.00	1, 045.00	0	
	Bahrain             	0	0	1, 020.00	0	
	Bergen             	665.00	638.00	930.00  	0	
	Busan           	645.00	621.00	925.00  	920.00	
	Cape Town              	640.00	0	965.00  	0	
	Colombo            	690.00	646.00	1, 015.00	0	
	Dubai            	650.00	640.00	850.00  	0	
	Durban               	613.00	0	1, 028.00	0	
	Fujairah          	628.00	625.00	994.00  	0	
	Gibraltar          	660.00	630.00	930.00  	0	
	Grangemouth        	0	0	965.00  	0	
	Hambantota      	660.00	637.00	1, 000.00	0	
	Hong Kong       	621.00	612.00	922.00  	0	
	Houston            	655.00	589.00	938.00  	0	
	Istanbul          	647.00	617.00	945.00  	0	
	Jeddah             	740.00	665.00	1, 080.00	0	
	Kaohsiung        	642.00	632.00	1, 010.00	995.00	
	Kuwait              	0	650.00	1, 260.00	0	
	Leith              	0	0	931.00  	0	
	Lerwick            	0	0	943.00   	0	
	Malta           	704.00	677.00	907.00  	0	
	Mersey          	0	0	940.00  	0	
	Mumbai           	631.00	626.00	1, 080.00	0	
	New York & New Jersey	658.00	596.00	965.00  	0	
	Panama                 	690.00	592.00	1, 032.00	0	
	Piraeus         	680.00	651.00	921.00  	0	
	Port Louis         	695.00	0	1, 022.00	0	
	Port Said        	750.00	665.00	1, 085.00	0	
	Qatar                  	0	0	925.00  	0	
	Richards Bay        	623.00	0	1, 033.00	0	
	Rio de Janeiro        	625.00	600.00	995.00  	0	
	Rotterdam         	601.00	571.00	885.00  	0	
	Salalah           	700.00	650.00	1, 125.00	0	
	Shanghai           	652.00	628.00	1, 056.00	0	
	Sharjah           	650.00	640.00	850.00  	0	
	Singapore             	617.00	605.00	897.00  	0	
	Sohar                 	0	665.00	1, 040.00	0	
	St Petersburg         	460.00	441.00	790.00  	0	
	Stavanger              	0	0	948.00  	0	
	Suez              	710.00	665.00	1, 085.00	0	
	Sunderland         	0	0	942.00  	0	
	Thames          	0	0	998.00   	0	
	Walvis Bay     	        730.00	0	1, 055.00	0	
	West Africa OFFSHORE 	0	672.00	1, 010.00	0

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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